The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

A tad harsh on the average prod, Iā€™d say a lot of them couldnā€™t care less so long as it doesnā€™t hit their pocket. It would be interesting if nothing else. But political unionism has nowhere to turn, they voluntarily define themselves as being superior to the taigs while being hard done by at the hands of everyone they encounter. It would be a massive mistake to give any group anything other than what their electoral turnout meritsā€¦a token stormont would be a waste of time and money, it would do nothing other than prolong the nonsense.



Thatā€™s what I said I think.

is content to smile at his fenian neighbours and still look down on them while harbouring deep fears of seeing them as equals.

What about the ones that vote alliance?

Theyā€™re not ā€œthe average prodā€

Sposeā€¦maybe when they get their tae handed to them in a mug the average prod will breathe a sigh of relief

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We will have to be prepared for whatever their reaction is. To coin a phrase, ā€œPrepared for Peace. Ready for Warā€


FFS those snivelling bastards,think Iā€™d rather the raw Dup sectarian but honest man any day, those alliance cunts need outed

The next big event for the average prod in this conversation is likely to be the death of the Queen. When Charles is the main man the ties will be loosened further, but waiting for that day could require more patience than what is available.

Ach. Theyā€™re just virtue signalling wankers. The bizarre love affair with naomi long will end as soon as people realise that just being an apolitical shrill virtue signalling bat isnā€™t such a wonderful achievement after all.
Thereā€™s really nothing to separate alliance, sdlp and sinn fein, apart from sinn fein being nationalist. Theyā€™re all clueless, and theyā€™ve no interest in being anything other than clueless. Wiithout trans issues and some notions about carbon footprints theyā€™d bore themselves to death. Look at the covid carry on. Not a word from any of them. Itā€™s just not an issue worth bothering about.

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And thereā€™s the truth

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Tiocfaidh ar la

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Is this some active travel twist or something?


Tiocfaidh cosuil le la

(los Angeles have a very impressive sustainable transport plan)

:ok_hand: twould put you off politics

Dunno if twill happen in the next 50 yrs

Joe is on this weeks episode of The 2 Johnnies podcast.

3 great lads there. I wonā€™t be missing it.


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