The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe is a complex individual

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Joe is complex and has a serious complex. But the true complex individual tries to get rid of complexes, or at least tries to make sense of them, rather than indulge them.

Think heā€™s with one of the pharmaceutical crowds.

The question at this stage is does the Hoff think heā€™s AOS.

Aidan seems like a smashing fellow. Be lovely to see him lift the Cup on Saturday.

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I see Joe in a recent pic with Mick Galway. I wonder if they talked about Galways character reference in court for Eddie Halveyā€¦

I can totally understand why people dont like AOS heā€™s the kind of absolute shaper I would have hated myself as a younger fella. I couldnā€™t give a shite about them any more though and have come to see the craic in lads like himself and Ronaldo.

What I donā€™t get is the absolute obsession with him there seems to be. Heā€™s a very functional player on the mayo team without ever being near one of the star men in big games. He generally just does a passable job without setting the world alight but so much commentary is about him for some reason. As I think Esteban said, the commentators gave a blow by blow account of his movements the last day despite him playing shite. Itā€™d be like them talking non stop about David Moran from Kerry who hardly got mentioned the last day. I genuinely donā€™t get it and canā€™t think of an equivalent ?


Go on joe

Cute hoor though , his dad and mam were the finest

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AOS is probably one of the most attractive GAA players on the market and he knows it. As an earlier poster said he is similar to Berno in this regard but unfortunately has not delivered in the same fashion.

Im sure he could get plenty of money for topless photos at other times of the year.

Is he though? Maybe @glasagusban can clarify.

Most GAA players will be in good physical condition as a rule, AOS just really hunts the limelight. That is fine if youā€™re backing it up on the pitch but he simply hasnā€™t been in the big games down the years and when heā€™s not the other factors come under the lens.

I donā€™t get why people are so offended by this. AOS should either keep his head down or do the business on the pitch. As long as he doesnā€™t do one or the other or both, he will ship the flak. For me, he would be a bad influence in the dressing room and as I said earlier something that the likes of Jim McGuinness or Jim Gavin would never have tolerated.

A lot of lads are jealous of his beach bod and come up with convoluted excuses to attack a great Gael. Sad to see.

Some of Joe Brollyā€™s statements are bizarre. Apparently Tyrone ā€œdominatedā€ Kerry and never looked like losing. When in reality a goal of freakish nature and a David Clifford injury were the decisive factors in a one point win.

In fairness he did address the fact that he would have displayed an ego on the pitch himself, but apparently all that evaporated as soon as some auld lad came into the dressing room and called him a disgrace.

Was Aidan Oā€™ Shea pictured in the Sunday World? Him commenting about his Kerry girlfriend before the other semi-final had been played could be dressing room wall material for Tyrone though.

The biggest stick to beat AidoXI with is surely his role in the removal of Pat Holmes and Noel Connelly in 2015.

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All because they hit him with some tough home truths that he was too concerned with his media profile.

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Apparently Aidan Oā€™ Shea was the leaving cert columnist for one of the papers (possibly the Indo?) back around 2009.

Pat and Noel were terribly out of their depth as inter county managers, the players had no choice.

It was a bit rich of them to pin it on Holmes and Connelly when they blew a 4 point lead to Dublin midway through the second half.

It was player led completely with an odd coach in the background. The boys did not have an iota.

There was a lot more to it then that but keep going off every article you read as gospel and posting on this. Mayo are living rent free in your head pal admit it and log off for the evening.

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Keegan and Moran were two players who backed Holmes and Connelly. Tom Cunniffe who voted against them at the time came out a few years later and said it was totally wrong what the players did.

Holmes and Connelly didnā€™t lose an AI semi final from 4 points up in the second half against Dublin. Some players took a bit of home truths too personally and wanted the management gone.