The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Yet you wouldn’t have too many come out and bat for McCarron.

As far as I can see you’re the one getting salty about a lad trying to make a few bob out of his profile.

Every top player has an ego, its part of why they’re a top player.


I’m not.

I only entered the discussion, Joe Brolly penned an article on AOS, someone posted it up and I agreed with the general point Brolly made on AOS.

Some very salty responses with regard to the article and my comments on AOS though.

It’s clear as day the issue with AOS, but if you point it out you get a lot of very tetchy and salty comments back. Apparently we should all shut our mouths and pretend AOS is a great guy and very humble.

Maybe he is a great guy and very humble. Making a few quid off his profile does not make the latter inaccurate. Unless you know AOS personally, I really don’t think you are informed enough to say otherwise.


He’s made the most out of a limited ability set by being athletic and ferociously committed to winning ball and using his gifted physical attributes.

He’s obviously an attractive person if he is in the gossip mags and all that shite. More power to him if he is getting coin. They put enough in to it. Any lad that can pull a bit out should do as much as he can


Not this nordie. But then I don’t know who he is.

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It’s not inaccurate though. It’s very accurate and very easily substantiated.

If you are humble and committed to your football, you focus on that not bombing in big matches while going around doing spreads for gossip magazines. If you aren’t you will do this. This is a long line of incidents now involving O’Shea that quite frankly make that position impossible to be true.

Go have a read of Holmes and Connelly and what they had to say on AOS.

You’re quick to do a Google search of AOS pictures alright.

Wouldn’t it be only magic if he buried 2-4 in the final and bate Tyrone on his own

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You’d wonder what Ciaran McDonald makes of Aido and his antics


To prove my point.

We know you are attracted to masculine women so it all makes sense now.


He’d want to do something like that as he has been a burden on his team in big games time and time again rather than an asset.

Personally I think Tyrone GAA and Mickey Harte deserve a lot of credit for deeming that being a sex worker and an inter-county footballer are compatible lifestyles.

Funnily you say that because Joe gave Ciarán McDonald very similar treatment to the vitriol he spews against O’Shea. “Swedish Maid”, anybody?

Joe’s fixation on appearances is very mid-life crisisy.

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Mayo lads seem to drive people mental for some reason.

Cillian OConner gets it in spades, Donie Vaughan had a lovely way of driving lads absolutely deranged as well

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It’s not Mayo.

AOS and COC are the two players who divide attention like that.

O’Connor is filth on the pitch, every team has a player like that which is fair enough, the other part of it is that he is highly overrated.

AOS is because of his ego and vanity and inability to do it when it matters.

I’d say outside of those two players Mayo are a very well liked team across the country, never really heard anyone say a bad word about the likes of Keegan (despite some of his antics on the pitch there’s a grudging respect for him everywhere), Parsons, Moran, McLoughlin, Paddy Durcan, Higgins etc who are all widely regarded as top class players who delivered time and time again.

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Apart from running on beaches, golf, football and tik-tokking what does Aidan do, as in is he a block-layer or agricultural contractor or how does he fill in the sparse few hours available to him?

love it GIF

Joe wants every player to be the opposite of how he was. It’s very strange.