The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

He was utterly shite and kept doing utterly stupid things on the ball. Iā€™ll have to watch the game back yet but his only contribution seems to be thet he conned McQuillan a few times.

McNamee utterly dominated him.

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He wasnā€™t utter shite yesterday

I donā€™t remember him. Thereā€™ve been other players who were streakier and flakier who never got the same level of antagonism. I donā€™t consider aos to be either of those really. Itā€™s weird and itā€™s a bit sad.

Mayo as a team put in a limp and listless display for much of the game. I didnā€™t expect that. It was almost like without the blue of Dublin in front of them they couldnā€™t throw caution to the wind and tear into it the way they do when theyā€™re at theyā€™re best. I joked about lending them Caroline Currid yesterday but itā€™s not really a joke, I do think someone like that would address those kind of performance issues.

He was.

And that was the consensus of the Mayo ones around me who wanted him off. He was terrible. Worst player on the pitch

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We now see the difference between bias & prejudice. :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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I never seen a player that gets so much unwarranted defences as Aidan Oā€™Shea. The guy is a proven bottler, fails on the big stage over and over again, is not a team player, has a massive ego and seems like an all round dickhead.

Yet you have lads losing the plot if anyone speaks the truth on him. He was desperate yesterday, as bad as he was against Dublin a few weeks back.

The narrative changing from his fanboys is incredible.

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Enjoy the win pal.

You actually thought he wasnā€™t bad?

You must have very low standards for AI performances.

If Dublin are bothered they should win the next 3 ā€¦ Thereā€™s nothing there to stop them if they are tuned in.

They lay down this year to take the focus off, it was agreed across the squad and in the DCB. Strategic planning.

Loftus was a million times worse than Oā€™Shea. The lads wanting him taken off seem to forget that they have fuck all to bring on to replace him. That said, he is not a particularly good player and never has been

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I dont think I can watch Mayo again.

McHale was a fine player but yeah got a lot of stick

Similar players in many ways. Athletic but couldnā€™t hit a barn door from two yards.

Thereā€™s two things he could have done different there. He could have dropped the ball to his toe and kicked it low (Iā€™m not sure that if the ball hadnā€™t been blocked it would have gone under the bar) or if he had been a natural forward he would have stopped, turned back inside and with Moggie running back across his goal he would effectively had an open goal.


For someone who plays basketball Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t pivot which would have forced McNamee to foul or let him pass ā€¦

If a real natural forward like Peter Canavan , Cooper or a Brogan got that then yes but AOS isnā€™t that