The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

He should have used his steps and heā€™d have been fouled

He instinctively wanted rid of the ball


More nonsense from Brolly. That Meath team never won an All-Ireland against ā€œa better team on paperā€. They did lose two to teams who looked worse on paper however.

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It looked like that alright.

McNamee had him beaten all ends up

If McNamee doesnā€™t get an all star this year then itā€™s a travesty.

Joe Joe Joe

Thatā€™s not true.

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Running on an anti Mayo platform could get him elected

Joe will make a great President

Biden will use his influence to make it happen

All powerful men need good women behind them

I was just talking about Joe Brolleyā€™s politics at the weekend. The family are all Aontu now but presumably heā€™s a Liberal. Or at least heā€™s pro-divorce anyway. He would hardly be SF. I thought heā€™d probably be SDLP but my mates thought not a chance. Who would he run for?


The parents only left SF due to the divorce stance.

Heā€™s too much of a republican to be a Stoop. Iā€™d say most likely scenario would be SF would endorse him to run as an independent.

I think heā€™d run for sf and make a fine job of articulating how a non violent outlook fits within the party. I donā€™t know why heā€™d bother tbh. Heā€™s far to clever and independently.minded for party politics, but I think he might be able to steer his own course offending everyone and no-one.
He should just go for president and be done with it, thereā€™s probably a strong argument for making it mandatory for the president to be a derry man anyway.

But I donā€™t think he should bother himself. The country is run by the sort of banal halfwits that couldnā€™t handle him at rte. Theyā€™d do their level best to destroy him and probably succeed. Heā€™d rub their noses in it for a while first though


Canā€™t see Joe accepting the Stalinesque control that SF demands which is also why I canā€™t see them endorsing him as an independent. And Iā€™d agree that heā€™d be a very unlikely stoop.

Being a Derry man should mean an automatic disqualification in a Presidential campaign. I would make an exception for Joe though.

Would Joe have any skeletons in the cupboard that the free state media would only be happy to report on?

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You mean because we have unfair advantages?

Shur who doesnā€™t? Mdh has a clatter of them but heā€™s part of the establishment and gets a free pass. Joe wonā€™t play their game though


No. Because, Joe excepted, every time a Derry person leaves Derry, the average IQ of their destination falls by several points. :slight_smile: And you know this to be true. FACT!