The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

:eek: :eek:

My post clearly referred to positions. Quote “position to position”. Spidey changed that to “final appearance”.

It really isn’t my fault if you and he can’t read.

It was a wet damp old morning and as he went into the office, my friend spotted O’Shea doing a weights session. He had started back the week before.

Young man goes to gym - wow, you have to admit that GGA players are exceptional


Maybe he was lifting weights in a car park.

V fair comment. Brolly does this regularly


The pilgrims are circling.

Brolly goes way over the line with Mayo and O Shea. I’d love to know why. Can he just not help himself and loves stirring shit?
On the other hand, he lives and breathes Gaa and community and chatity. He actually gave a fella his kidney ffssake. So hes not all bad.

Anyway that article is a load of shite. A Dublin player going out to get his own food?! Whst next?


Laurita must have no howld on Joe a tall a tall.

Joe is a good man who is still utterly seething at his dismissal by RTE and has decided to turn into Gaelic Football’s equivalent of Piers Morgan.

Actually he decided to do that years ago, which is why RTE gave the bullet in the first place. He has justified their decision.


We should make a better effort to get McStay to post here. He wasn’t 24 hours in Dublin when he spotted a multiple POTY chugging along with a pizza and a revered holder of Celtic crosses foostering about an hotel lobby.
You have established posters here lurking in parked cars outside Greggs spotting no-marks and logging them here for us to rush to google to see who they are.


In one sense there is and in another there very much isn’t.

If McStay saw a priest, he’d go and kiss him.




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Have you managed to figure out yet what the abuse he comes in for is?

And who are the pundits responsible for it?

What it seems to be is that some people do not want commentary on AOS when he plays badly. Colm Parkinson a perfect example as I stated earlier, he decried the “abuse” O’Shea gets and then 20 minutes later says he can’t understand how a certain Mayo player was picked and that they aren’t inter county standard.

By God……

It seems it goes with the territory of that column that after a while the writer starts running out of things to say and starts dropping in humdrum personal anecdotes and descriptions of boring everyday events in their lives, just to pad it out.

Jim McGuinness wrote that column for three or four years and did the same. I suppose McGuinness’s “as I gazed into Kowloon’s crystal waters, my mind began to wander to how Mayo could disrupt Dublin’s battle rhythm” was a bit more stylish than McStay’s “I saw Brian Fenton on the street with a take away”.

In saying that I think McStay is a good analyst and brings a gravitas to proceedings on broadcast media.

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My post clearly referred to positions. Quote “position to position”. Spidey changed that to “final appearance”.

It really isn’t my fault if you and he can’t read.

It’s hard to see how your reply relates to my post. First you can’t read what I said and then when it’s repeated to you you ignore it and go off on another tangent.

I’m just asking you if you have figured out what the abuse AOS gets is, which pundits it comes from?

And why it upsets you so much?

Why would I need to figure that out? What are you on about at all?

The only person getting upset is yourself. You’re making hundreds if posts about AOS straight after the you’re county has won an AI final. All I’ve said is I think criticism of him is over the top.

If it makes you happy to continue to rant and rave about and look up topless photos of AOS on the internet then by all means work away.