The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

If you don’t want to answer a pair of straightforward questions then I guess is typifies the lack of conviction you have in your defence of O’Shea.

The only logical conclusion I can draw is you have a bit of a crush on AOS and don’t like justified commentary of his performances on the field and his attitude and application off it.

If you want to contend that position then you should consider answering the following questions.

Have figured out what the abuse AOS gets is? What pundits it comes from?

And why it upsets you so much?

Ok mate, I’m not obsessed with AOS like you are, I’m not really invested in “defending” him. You’re clearly gearing up for a day of vigorous AOS posting. Maybe away go look at your topless photos of him and get your rocks off that way and don’t be bothering me.

But you are obsessed.

AOS comes in from valid criticism and if you weren’t obsessed with AOS you would not be so easily triggered by what is completely valid commentary on him as a footballer and his role in Mayo falling short.

If you’re not obsessed it would not trigger you in the manner it does.

Whatever about anything that happened in the past, the second AOS agreed to do a photo shoot, and a photo shoot in the manner in which his was, the week before an All Ireland final, all bets were fucking off. You either show up with a MOTM performance, or you take every single thing that comes your way. He cant be surprised, and neither can anyone else.


The lad posting non stop about AOS calling other lads triggered by AOS.

Mental gymnastics good medal secured yet again :smiley:

You’d wonder if Horan had any knowledge of the photo shoot. He seems a good manager, despite Saturday, but I’d be shocked if he gave the go-ahead for that. There’s trusting your players and then there’s rank stupidity.

To play in 7 All-Ireland finals, the majority as a forward, and not register a single score is bewildering. Even worse is I doubt he has managed anything more than a 5/6 out of 10 display in any of those matches. Certainly never grabbed any of those games by the scruff of the neck and looked like the leader/captain he is supposed to be.

I enjoy reading Brolly. Extremely cutting but can be humorous too. He is partly right and partly wrong over O’Shea. He’s right to call him out for his Emperor has no clothes routine but he sails very close to the wind at times with the personalised criticism. O’Shea just ain’t that player clearly. He just can’t deliver what is needed. Never has in the biggest games.

After all the flak he has taken, and after a semi final shocker, you’d surely think he’d have kept the head down over the last month. Don’t open your gob and break your arse at training. No, instead he’s undertaking an absolutely bizarre beach photo shoot two weeks before the biggest game of his life. Like, talk about zero self awareness. The guy clearly can’t help himself.

After Holmes and Connelly tried to reel in those antics, justifiably in my opinion, he goes out and does that. Leaving himself wide open to criticism and/or ridicule. Brolly probably goes too far at times but the kernel of his argument is sound.


I’m just responding to an article posted up and discussing it.

You seem to be triggered because a few posters give their view on AOS and it’s frank about his failings and bad attitude being a reason Mayo have fallen short.

If you don’t care why are getting so frenzied about a common view with regard to O’Shea.

The only person frenzied and triggered is yourself pal. You’re getting all hot and bothered.

I’m not hot and bothered.

I’ve made accurate comments on O’Shea, his flop in yet another AI final has shown me to be utterly right again.

You’re the one being all irrational, bitchy and frenzied because a few posters have commented on yet another performance from him and criticised his attitude?

If you’re not bothered by it then ask yourself why you’re wading in to defend him?

You cried about the abuse he gets. You can’t even tell us what the abuse is, which pundits it’s coming from and why it constitutes abuse.

I’m well able to substantiate my position, well able to reference things that support it, point to incidents both on and off the pitch and I’m confident enough to stand over all I’ve said.

What we’ve got from you is loads of bitching and pointing the finger but very little in the way of calm, mature and measured points.

Calm yourself down.

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I think the photoshoot might have been a good few weeks ago and for an ad for a phone company relating to breaking your phone. Don’t think it was specifically for the paper. It was still an extremely bizarre ad to do in a culture like the gaa and with the reputation he has.

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I think the promotion only applied to 000 numbers.

I’m looking forward to Aidan becoming the face of Zero Covid and Coke Zero.

Edit: that’s exactly what you said. Oops.

I’d say AOS isn’t the sharpest tool in the box


You are coming across as obsessed with AOS, mate

and zero medals


I had professional dealings with him in the past. He is far from a dope but wouldn’t be the most charismatic chap you would mean. He is fairly senior in a role that would be fairly hands on and not one for a token gaa appointment.

Great analogy and spot on. Brolly is a very decent sort in many ways but he was insufferable as a pundit for a couple of years before he got the bullet. There’s a time and a place for a well directed barb but he was constantly shouting across people to go off on self indulgent rants and personalised attacks on players/managers. I became quite irked by him and I’m a very patient and reasonable person. I think his stuff on Aidan O’Shea is completely over the top and unnecessary. I actually agree with that little ballbag (note measured criticism here) Kevin McStay and his take on O’Shea’s final display. But I was amused by the point about O’Shea deserving credit for being in the gym a month after losing a final, and having done a session a week before that too even.


I think McStay was just looking for an analogy to show how dedicated these people are for no money or reward, and unless you’re in a small minority, fuck all success. People lose sight of that and feel they have a right to publicly ridicule them (Brolly for instance)


McStay could have landed Aido in hot water here.