The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Well that is what Brolly suggested

Iā€™d agree.
Youā€™ll never keep either of those fuckers happy.

Jesus, thatā€™s an awful, grim read, had never heard of it. Torturing, murdering 15 year old lads, fuck.

Fantastic post.

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And you canā€™t see why?

Thatā€™s the way the world is. The Provos had some bad eggs in them, they did some bad things but you can extend that to any faction in any war ever. The most shameful thing was what your state did when it abandoned its fellow country men to a sectarian killing machine that was the O6 state.

Itā€™s the most Free State thing ever to moan about the Provos when you look at the blood on the Free Stateā€™s hands, going so far that they were happy to clean up the Dublin-Monaghan bombing for the Brits. Maybe thatā€™s where you should direct our ire.

See thatā€™s the problem with misguided bigots like yourself This will be decided by the people in the 32 counties and the small minded entitled fuckwits like yourself from the FFG class are a dying breed. Times are changing, the two failed states that have separated this island will soon be at an end and youā€™re swimming against the tide.

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Maybe the Free State loyalists would like to address this.

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Iā€™m not moaning about the Provos and Iā€™m not trying to defend the republics past transgressions. Stop trying to pick a fight where there isnā€™t one.

The second part of the brolly interview is worth a watch too while not as many bombshells as the first. Was more about football and his stories are entertaining if no doubt full of exaggerations. Still canā€™t believe part 1 though when I think back. He said he gave the kidney because someone close to him killed someone (I presume his father). He obviously completely understands the reasons for violence but is personally disgusted by it. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard that feeling so eloquently described before. The criticism of southerners got the headlines but he also said he completely saw why they were apathetic and also seemed to say seeing the North from outside the bubble let him see it completely differently. He also absolutely lambastes paisley and the dup but talks in a very conciliatory way about creating a new northern Ireland. Heā€™s very likeable and very hateable at the same time in a way you rarely see.
Outing his father and possibly his mother on national tv as having abused him and his aunt saying she should have saved him bayt all though.

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My father and Uncles went up on a bus to Derry from Kilkenny to support the locals after Bloody Sunday.They were seething at what went happened.Along with the vast majority of people in these parts.

How you fools fucked was in the years that followed and the atrocities that ye cunts committed in our name.

Shooting your own people.
Blowing up kids.
Shooting Guards down here doing their shift and not going home to their families that evening.
Drug dealing and then kneecapping lads that didnā€™t play by your rules.
And generally bullying people left,right and centre to get your own way throughout cities and towns across our country.

And as I said above,you people had the neck to do that IN OUR NAME??

You and your breed donā€™t get the right to do that and thatā€™s the issue that ye will never get.


Plenty of those bullies and thugs were from the free state.

Youā€™re in for some shock bucko if you believe that.
See the poll today? Shinners the leading party but the majority want the same government as we have going forward.

Why is that,you reckon??? :joy::joy::joy::joy:

(Because we donā€™t trust them and donā€™t want our country run by a few psychos around a table in Belfast)

Suck it up

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Maybe behind all that contrived bullshit youā€™d like to address how your own state covering up a terrorist atrocity that killed women and children because their neighbours committed it?

Of course, very little of what you said above was true, it just gives you cover to pedal your hate.

Joe keeps saying that the ā€œFree Statersā€ ā€œabandonedā€ Northern nationalists.

And you could indeed make a case for that. And that Ulster Protestants/Unionists abandoned Southern Protestants/Unionists. And that if thereā€™s ever a united Ireland, that the UK would be ā€œabandoningā€ Ulster Protestants/Unionists. That if Scotland ever went independent, that Scottish Unionists would be being ā€œabandonedā€ by the rest of the UK. That white South Africans were ā€œabandonedā€ by their pro-apartheid representatives. That Bosnian Serbs were ā€œabandonedā€ by Slobodan Milosevic.

But in a territory where different people want different territorial and political arrangements, somebody is always going to be ā€œabandonedā€.

To make the argument with real substance that Northern Catholics/Nationalists were ā€œabandonedā€ by the ā€œFree Stateā€ and the Republic, you would have to say what the ā€œFree Stateā€ and the Republic of Ireland should have done. In 1921, in 1969, in any other year.

Joe never says what the ā€œFree Stateā€ and the Republic should have done.

Apart from what it did do - ie. the fostering of goodwill like the Lemass-Oā€™Neill talks, the Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Peace Process, Iā€™m not sure what the ā€œFree Stateā€ and the ā€œRepublicā€ could have ā€œdoneā€ that Joe might have liked.

The ā€œFree Stateā€/Republic was a tiny fledgling state with no military power and very little international influence.

Anything beyond what they did do would almost certainly have only fuelled the flames of sectarian war, a sectarian war that Northern Catholics would have been destined to lose in a very big way. Did Joe want that?

Joe donated a kidney ā€œto atone for the taking of human lifeā€. There is, by his own words, a massive amount of guilt lying within him.

His position here seems very confused. And now he himself doesnā€™t care about a united Ireland.

I donā€™t blame him for being confused and holding conflicting feelings. Itā€™s just that soundbytes donā€™t make for a very good argument.

The Dublin and Monaghan bombings are frequently mentioned by a particular poster here. The people who were let down by our Government in that instance were not from Northern Ireland. They were ā€œFree Statersā€ aka ā€œFree State bastardsā€, the exact same people Joe and that poster say ā€œabandonedā€ them and other Northern Catholics.

Criticise the Irish Government of the day all you like, but itā€™s a truly bizarre thing to reference when trying to make a case that the ā€œFree Stateā€ abandoned Northern Catholics.


No vote taken on motion to remove Athloneā€™s Republican art (

Yep and where were they taking directions from?

Lot of guilty feeling free staters trying to project their shame here/

Maybe itā€™s about time they apologised for their cowardice and the cowardice and selfishness of the parties they voted into political office but hey that would be too close to having human qualities for those greedy pigs.


if the staters are so embarrassed about how they treated nationalists, maybe they shouldnt have treated them so badly


ā€œContrived bullshitā€ my hole.

A shower of forked tounged murderous bastards youā€™d walk along way to see worse.

Youā€™re fooling no one and you can deflect all the fuck you want.We all know what ye cunts are.
Only issue is that ye seem to think that we want ye.
The majority of us would rather have a dose of gonorrhoea but will only express it when in the privacy of a ballot box.