The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Norn Iron would move closer to oblivion if Fluvioā€™s fellow countymen Bradley and McGinn said no and refused to represent the plastic state. Yet they stand for God Save The Queen.

Contrived bullshit.

You havenā€™t a fucking notion and you made a whole load of things up in your previous post that nobody with any credibility believes true. Iā€™m not the one fooling people, Iā€™m not the one fabricating stories about aunts and uncles - thatā€™s you.

I stick to the facts and the facts are that the Southern state abandoned northern nationalists to a violent sectarian arm where they faced violence, intimidation and discrimination from every arm of the state - it was institutionalised.

I want to stick on topic here, you want to fabricate bullshit stories and introduce them to act as a basis for your raw bigotry. Sad little nasty man.

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Joeā€™s a great lad but I canā€™t identify with the anti nationalist sentiment he experienced in Dublin. When I went to college there I was universally admired by men and loved by women- if any of them hated me I was too busy trying to ride them to notice


I wouldnā€™t mind but when I was in UL, the free state women went mad for the nordy accents

Iā€™m being 100% truthful in what I said.They went up on a bus because they were utterly livid at what went on.
And hereā€™s another one,at that time, one of the aforementioned uncles wanted to go to a particular landed gentrys mansion and set fire to it over what happened in Derry.
And if youā€™re still not believing me,my Grandfather went through me when I was a young lad once upon a time,when he overheard me trying to sing and play the Green fields of France on a guitar.
He said and Iā€™ll quote ā€œThatā€™s a blueshirt songā€
That was the level of seethe at that time in my family and thatā€™s also my background.

Ye brought the animosity upon yourselves with the bollix acting.No one else did.

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In our house growing up we used to watch an awful lot of UTV. Kate Smith, Paul Clarke, Keith Burnside, Anne Hailes, Jackie Fullerton, Pamela Ballantyne and Julian Simmons were never off our telly, and if they werenā€™t on, itā€™d be Sean Rafferty, Rose Neill and Linda Bryans on BBC NI. I was fascinated as to why the roads in the North were smoother than the dirt tracks in the Republic. I used to wonder why we didnā€™t shop at Stewarts and Crazy Prices and drink Nambarrie tea. Then Quinnsworth in Lucan changed its name to Crazy Prices and I thought a united Ireland was about to happen. It wasnā€™t.

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Impeccable republican credentials. Iā€™m surprised Martin mcguinness didnt shoulder your grandfatherā€™s coffin when he found out he wasnā€™t a huge fan of the green fields of France

Only telling the truth.
Some lads are so bitter they wonā€™t listen.

You canā€™t even lie straight you utter fraud

Donā€™t like what youā€™re hearing is all thatā€™s wrong with you.

I remember as a young lad watching Kelly on a Friday night and the ads on UTV would be regularly interrupted to tell keyholders to return to their stores.

The Northern freedom fighters loved an arson attack on some mom and pop furniture shop.

Presumably they didnā€™t pay the fire insurance ( protection money)

Gerry Kelly was the brother of Danny Kelly, not the English television presenter but the full back* on the Down team of 1968.

Think Frank Mitchell (McClory) won at least one All-Ireland with Burren, if not two.

*Edit: Goalkeeper

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I remember a cousin who was a builder at the time,did a small extension for a woman (creature) back in the 80ā€™s in a location that will remain nameless.In the ā€œFreestateā€,obviously.
All going well,invited in for tea on a regular basis,delighted with the work,showing the neighbours etc etc.

Until it was time to pay up.

She then decided to play the Republican card and told the cousin to fuck off or thereā€™ll be trouble.Out of the blue this was,lads.Job was bang on.

Letā€™s just say she bit off more that she could chew and the cousin was paid in full.

If youā€™re going to be sharing makey up stories with us could you try and make them a small bit interesting?


Heard the exact same story about someone in Lisheen park.

Something very shiny in the Hen House on this weeks Tommy and Hector podcast with Laurita. A few sly digs from the boys along with a reference to her nails looking unrale.

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What age are you,14 ?

Whatā€™s your problem? Or are you just a prick in general?

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:grinning::grinning: where did you fly in from @Johnbird.Whats with the hard man act?

Anyone got Brollyā€™s article in the Info today.