The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Backcourt violation could work. Basketball and rugby are able to police it.

Restrict a backpass Beyond the 45 line maybe. Not midfield.

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The problem is that teams sometimes need to pass the ball backwards over the half way line or the 45 and need to do so legitimately, especially where there is broken play or a turnover. Not everything runs in straight lines or forward momentum. And the teams who need to legitimately do it tend to be the teams that go balls to the wall, your Mayos and your Dublins (unnecessary pluralisation clichĂŠ).

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The sweeper rule is unpoliceable nonsense.




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Stopping the ball going back to the goalkeeper would be a good thing, it would actually double up as a back pass rule.

Rule no.4 is laughable, Joe was on the whiskey by the time he got to it.

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I seen a few posts up Joe calling Gaelic football an ancient game :rofl::rofl:

Indeed. Absolute horseshit. Brolly goes from the sublime to the ridiculous, and everywhere in between, which makes him interesting.

A fair chance Laurita wrote the last two

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I think Joe is becoming increasingly unhinged.
No pass back to the keeper, all good. No going back into your own half, possible but may solve little. No zonal defence or sweeper?? Ah here. Try and enforce that.
Finally, there’s a hape of adult teams wouldn’t have a keeper able to reliably reach the 45 from the 13. What if it’s a headwind? What if it’s intercepted before crossing?
We get it Joe, you’re mad craic, and modern life is rubbish, to quote the great man.


Joe is becoming more presidential with every day that passes.

Joe’s next suggestion will be to introduce an ice skating/gymnastics-style judging panel to rank scores according to style.

So a free will score one point only but a point from play will score more.

If a player scores with a handpass 1.2 points are awarded.

If a player scores with their designated weaker foot they get 1.5 points.

Scoring from outside the 45 is 2 points but scoring from outside the 45 with your weak foot is 2.5 points.

Joe will neglect to understand that everybody would just foul then because you only get one point for scoring a free.

Joe will then belatedly come around to proposing that scores from frees count double that of any score from play.

Joe will also propose that if you’re David Clifford you get an extra point for any score because you’re David Clifford.

Joe belies Gaelic football is perfectible. It is not. Joe genuinely believes in what amounts almost to a sort of eugenics of Gaelic football. Though he has developed a caricature of himself where he is against the use of science or statistics or any sort of tactics in the game, he believes in something altogether more radical, a sort of absurd populist fake science which promises perfection but would lead to disaster.

Joe has now entered the mindset the Soviets quickly entered when they tried to perfect man and society, where all sorts of bizarre rules and practices were instituted to cover up the central and total failure of the ideology.

I thought Rafferty’s forays up the field for Armagh were one of the best things about the championship

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A pretty low bar for you so.

Not sure Gaelic football needs saving Joe. We’ve had a great mix of finalists and winners last three years. It’s never been more open.

The GAA has an obsession with changing the rules.

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Two most skillful footballers in the country dominated the All-Ireland final as well which has to be a good sign. The pass back to the goalkeeper is a simple suggestion but for now I’d say tis best to leave things as they are and see how it evolves.


I think the back pass to the goalie one is obvious and has no real drawback.
The pass back over half way one would only be a win for mass defences. The reason keep ball came in was to beat the blanket. Its convoluted but could possibly work if it was banned in the last ten minutes for the team that’s in the lead.

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Remove a player every seven minutes of second half would open it up.

10 a side by 70th minute

Bringing the ball back into your own 22 is policed effectively.