The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

An adult that canā€™t kick a ball 30 yards?

Fair, albeit it isnt a tactic in rugby really to take it back there deliberately so happens less often

You make the rule that the keeper must attempt to kick the ball out past the 45 metre line. If it falls short due to inability, a miss kick or a head wind then the ref can use their discretion to allow play to continue.

In other words, you award the free for anything that can be perceived as a blatant attempt to go short

The best rule they ever brought in was bringing the kick out to the 21 and not allowing it directly back to the goalie once taken.

They should leave it as it is for now.

Joe wants to go back to when it was 15 v 15 and everyone held their position which ment every ball throughout the game was contested.I donā€™t blame him ,matches were more exciting.I suppose a more simple way would be to name 6 forwards and 6 backs withe only the 2 midfielders able to play both halves.Abit like underage where itā€™s only one hop one solo then pass.

Can anyone throw the Joe Brolly Sigerson cup article?

32 metres. Into a wind at junior level, reliably yes.

Allowing referee discretion over something as subjective as that may be tricky. At IC level, Iā€™d have no major issue, though Iā€™m not sure it would actually make the game better. No backpass to the goalie if heā€™s inside his own 45 is an obvious and easy one which would help immediately.
Iā€™d also trial no backwards handpassing in your own half.

Goalkeeping has just become glamorous and now yer trying to dumb it down again.

Hard enough to get lads to stand in as it is.

Nonsense. My rules would encourage them to get forward. Fly keepers.

Making the kick out go to the 45 would actually get more men back behind the ball. What would be the point in being inside the 45 as a forward when you know your man canā€™t get it.
The half way line rule would actually slow up play because you wouldnā€™t cross the half way line if you hadnā€™t bodies forward, if there is no safety net of coming backwards if needed. So you would keep the ball in your own half for longer until you got the bodies up the field. It would also, again massively incentivise mass defences, you retreat everyone back and wait for them to cross the line to press using the line as weapon against the attacking team. This is exactly what happens in basketball. Teams retreat, allow attackers to carry over the line and then half court press.
The sweeper rule is nonsense. The keeper rule is pretty dumb as well, especially now that we have seen a move towards keepers bombing forward this year, increasing teams attacking threat.

Some other pundits have mentioned a shot clock, but all a shot clock does is incentivise mass defence as well. Gah isnā€™t basketball. Its too hard to score to have a shot clock.

Basically the only time a game lines up, as we the spectators might want, is at the throw in. Maybe the answer is after every score teams have to lineup in their postions again and we have a throw in again like Aussie rules.

13 aside might also be worth a look. Be a lot more space for forwards.

They need to bin the mark rule. Its a nonsense. Especially the forward mark.

I actually think football is in a pretty good place at the moment. All of the best teams are playing pretty attacking football.


The midfield mark was badly needed

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Kind of, anyways

No pass back to the keeper is worth a try, as is no backwards handpassing in your own half (maybe less so).
I quite like handpassing, and think a lot of the football matches were compelling spectacles this year.

Thereā€™s no saving bogball.

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Really ? I have seen very little evidence of keepers increasing the attacking threat . Quite the opposite in fact .

I think that keepers showing a sense of adventure adds to the spectacle as everyone sort of wants them to be caught out and we get a situation like Comerā€™s goal this year which everyone wants to see.


Thereā€™s evidence of one goalkeeper increasing the attacking threat but you are still correct because thereā€™s no evidence of any other goalkeeper doing it and you specified plural.

A bit like how the No Homers club had room for one Homer.

It adds rich narrative.

There were two words everybody thought of when Comer fired that ball into the empty net from 40 yards with the sausage desperately puffing and panting in the middle of the pitch like a lad after 10 pints seeing the last Nitelink bus pull off.

One was ā€œHiguitaā€. The other was ā€œcomeuppanceā€.

Iā€™d go as far as to say as there are few things a sports fan wants to see more than a goalkeeper getting caught out for trying to be too clever.

See Mendy for Chelsea yesterday