The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It doesnā€™t matter what sort restrictions you put in place though, keepers will always find a way of making themselves look stupid - itā€™s the very reason they find themselves in there in the first place.


Eh they throw every ball backwards mate

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Brolly has the unionists on twitter hopping mad. Itā€™s great to see.

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Throw it up there for us non twitter folk. Ta

Bobby Sands died so Joe Brolly could wind up Unionists on Twitter.

ā€œOur revenge will be the laughter of our childrenā€.

Actually Iā€™m not sure he meant it in that context.

This is the tweet that started it:


Ah thats gas. Id imagine there are people apoplectic.

Not forgetting FFG down south


Iā€™d imagine the IRAā€™s total failure to get a united Ireland makes a lot more people apoplectic.

Brilliant :joy:

I fear the longer Joe is away from TV he is becoming further and further deranged in order to attract the same level of attention that he got from the TV.

A presidential run is imminent.

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Joe could fill the Presidential candidate role recently enough held by Peter Casey.

Didnā€™t Casey finish 2nd in the end ?

Indeed and he did but the incumbent won every constituency fairly comfortably.
The people are in a rebellious mood and Joe might be able top tap into the seethe.
Itā€™s a long way off unless thereā€™s an act of God or something else.

Come next President election id say the twitterati will be campaigning for the poet to be allowed run fir a third time

His Supreme Rotundness will no doubt accede to the wishes of the people again

If Joe Brolly got elected president it would drive the unionists even more demented which would be fantastic.

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Thatā€™s grand buddy but Joe being elected president isnā€™t going to produce a united Ireland.

Iā€™m ok with an un united ireland as long as the unionists are driven mad.