The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Yeah good article but I still think there is a place for working with psychologists/reading books/thinking about how you tick

No need to spend a fortune but a bit of self awareness and understanding how to deal with stress/focus on something is a good skill to have

Donaghy pinning an article to a wall has gone on
For years. Alex Ferguson built an empire on a siege mentality.

Dublin had Darwin quotes on wall of dressing room before this yearā€™s final. Lots of charlatans out there but good stuff too for free is available

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What did Darwin ever do to Dublin?
Suggested diarmuid connolly hadnt fully evolved no doubt.


, ā€œThere can be no doubt that the tribe including many members who are always ready to give aid to each other, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over other tribes. And this would be natural selection.ā€

The self-help book industry has been around for generations as well. And contrary to popular opinion they do contain an enormous amount of good advice. The problem is that people also have enormous difficulty implementing even the smallest of changes to their daily lives. So despite all the really useful advice thatā€™s out there, they cannot take advantage of it.

That is the the biggest problem with the ā€˜motivationā€™ or ā€˜inspirationā€™ industry. Because habits take time to form, people tend to quit before the positive feedback loop kicks in. People get disillusioned and demoralised and the bullshit merchants step into that gap. It really is a despair industry. Full of impractical advice, because all the practical advice youā€™ll ever need is already out there.


I gave up TFK for a month once. I waited and waited and waited for the positive impactā€¦


A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.


No man ever steps in the same river twice, for itā€™s not the same river and heā€™s not the same man

cc @KinvarasPassion


I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me
I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me
Iā€™m movinā€™ on up now
Gettinā€™ out of the darkness
My light shines on, my light shines on
My light shines on
I was lost, now Iā€™m found
I believe in you, Iā€™ve got no bounds
I was lost, now Iā€™m found
I believe in you, I got no bounds
Iā€™m movinā€™ on up now
Gettinā€™ out of the darkness
My light shines on, my light shines on
My light shines on, my light shines on
My light shines on, my light shines on
My light shines on
My light shines on, my light shines on
My light shines on, my light shines on
Iā€™m getting outta darkness
My light shines on
Iā€™m getting outta darkness
My light shines on


Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot dooo
Iā€™m afraid of the dark,
'specially when Iā€™m in a park
And thereā€™s no-one else around,
Ooh, I get the shivers
I donā€™t want to see a ghost,
Itā€™s a sight that I fear most
Iā€™d rather have a piece of toast
And watch the evening news
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot dooo
Iā€™m a superstitious girl,
Iā€™m the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders,
I keep a rabbitā€™s tail
Iā€™ll take you up on a dare,
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, Iā€™ll be there,
Bungee jumping, I donā€™t care!
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot dooo
Life, doo, doot dooo
Doo, doot dooo
So after all is said and done
I know Iā€™m not the only one
Life indeed can be fun, if you really want to
Sometimes living out your dreams,
Ainā€™t as easy as it seems
You want to fly around the world,
In a beautiful balloon
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot dooo


The best person who can help yourself, is yourself.

You need a jpg for that.

Cathal McCarron is living proof.

Iā€™d really love to be alone without all the
Ache and pain and the April showers
But it ainā€™t long before I long for you, like a
Ray of hope, coming through the blue moon

When it all gets dark again
The whole thing falls apart I guess
It doesnā€™t really matter 'bout the rain
'Cause weā€™ll get through it anyway
Weā€™ll get up and start again

'Cause we could be lifted, lifted, lifted
We could be Lifted
From the shadows, lifted
Oh we could be, lifted up today
Lifted all the way, you and I forever
Baby, lifted, lifted, lifted, hey

Itā€™s undisturbable the peace we found
In a bright new space up above the clouds
Everything is understandable
You donā€™t have to say anything too loud

When all our luck runs out again
Weā€™re brought back down to solid ground
I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m mad about the rain
But weā€™ll get through it anyway
Weā€™ll get back to the start again

'Cause we could be lifted, lifted, lifted
We could be lifted
From the shadows, lifted
Oh we could be, lifted up today
Lifted all the way, you and I forever
Baby, lifted, we could be lifted, we could be lifted, hey

We could be lifted, we could be lifted, we could be lifted
You and I forever
We could be lifted, we could be lifted, yeah we could be lifted
We could be lifted up to new horizons

Lifted, lifted up today, lifted all the way, yeah we could be lifted
We could be lifted, from the shadows, we could be lifted
Lifted up to new horizons
When it all gets dark again, it doesnā€™t really matter 'bout the rain
When it all gets dark again, it doesnā€™t really matter 'bout the rain


Yes, but unless you pay ā‚¬4,995 to attend a self-help seminar given by somebody else, youā€™ll never be able to realise this.

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Everybodyā€™s looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their loverā€™s eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you found that special thing
Youā€™re flying without wings
Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry
You find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
Youā€™ve found that special thing
Youā€™re flying without wings
So impossible as they may seem
Youā€™ve got to fight for every dream
'Cause whoā€™s to know
Which one you let go
Would have made you complete

A pint of plain is your only man .

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People who pay for this type of thing should read up online first and try doing it themselves. Thereā€™s endless amount of Youtube videos available if you seek this sort of thing.
Joe is a cynic, fair enough but having a closed mind around these things only gives the ā€œgurusā€ more ammunition. Anything you want is inside youā€™re own head right now you only need access it.
You doā€™t need to pay 4k to hear it but the message is true as far as Iā€™m concerned.

in edit

To be fair, thereā€™s such a huge amount of youtube tutorials out there it can be easy to be overwhelmed by 'em. My little cousin tried to learn to change guitar strings off youtube and couldnā€™t crack it, but once I showed him how to do it, he had it down in the space of 15 minutes.

I guess that all pertains to what the guys above where saying about putting things into practice, sifting through the shite, and being patient for results.