The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Grand. So my original thoughts on Frankie were accurate.

Stillā€¦ he got Tony Robbins to Ireland.

You donā€™t need intelligence for that, just wave a few Benjamins in front of the dirty bastard.

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I have 2 recent new clients who are paying this gobshite for meal plans. What a fucking rip off.

Once you hear a guy say his ambition was to do a TED talk then you know you are dealing with a tidiculoys amount of bullshit.

Great article by Joe.

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Divilly is an horrendous gangster cunt. I got a view at one of his private groups on facebook once and it would sicken your hole reading it.


In fairness we squared away this fella many moons ago. A charlatan.

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We did indeed, TFK at the forefront once again.

Valued members of the tribe Iā€™m sure.

Excellent article by joe again.Selling hope to losers is as old as tae.

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Incredible read. One of his best yet.

Nail on the head .

Joe has basically just rewritten his article from last December there.

Nevertheless Iā€™d be happy enough if the same article was rewritten and printed at least twice a year.

Iā€™d like to see him do a similar article ridiculing his motherā€™s bullshit views on abortion however.

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He canā€™t help what his ma thinks sid

I didnā€™t say he could, nor was I serious about hoping he writes such an article.

Unbelievable - As Aristotle once said - It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Too many people are just accepting thoughts that are uttered by others - This is what happens when your education system is set up to provide people for industry instead of teaching people to think.


This is what happens when teachers want to do as little work as possible for as much money as possible and are enabled to do so.

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I found myself nodding in agreement with that.

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Its insane. i have had several views into it. Iā€™ve started a Nutrition degree, and i mean only started, 2 weeks, and already it has debunked an entire industry. i knew tgere was alot of nonsense obviously, but i probably didnā€™t/donā€™t have the deep understanding of Nutrition to realise how bad. Had a conversation with my Nutritionist colleague recently and she was on about Divilly in particular, saying he is actually damaging people. And i think the same from an exercise POV. She has to ouck up the pieces sometimes even of situations as bad as marraige seperations. As things like meal plans only work for a tiny % of the population and they are generally obsessive types who ibsess about exercise as well. We have both seen couples grow apart due to this. i would say Crossfit, unwittingly encourages it.

As i say to my clients, ā€œdo you see yourself making meal plans for the rest of your life?ā€

Pretty much all you have to say.


Does that mean all that money I spent on superfoods to.make me live forever has been wasted?

Not all. and alot of the superfoods are very good for you. different foods do different things. brocolli allows better liver protection thru a certain enzyme breakdown. And on and on.

Animal & plant nutrients seem to be critical for us, thats basically it. However a balance of abimal meat is best.

The comparison of Robbins to a televangelist was particularly astute.