The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I’m very philothropical about these things. Joe is on his own journey, all i can do is act as a patiend guide and willing conduit to higher knowledge and wisdom.

Yeah he smoked Hilary

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I find Brolly an extremely judgemental,sneering and righteous individual.In the past he has fired insults at Marty Morrissey based on his appearance and a whole host of others that I couldnt be bothered listing on here.Wasnt there some remark made recently about Luke Littlers appearance that drew scorn? Theres a large enough time gap between his remarks on Marty and luke,Id suggest.

Am I correct in saying he separated from his wife and the mother of his 4 or 5 kids and then engaged in a relationship with a woman from Mayo 10 or 12 years his junior and subsequently married her?

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He did Father.


Best of luck to him.

It’s not 1967 mate,these things happen.


Brolly is a very complicated chap, the best kind really
Sometimes you’d be in complete agreement with him and applaud his honesty, other times you’d think him the worst type of wanker.
Most recently I found his over the top criticism of an amateur Irish basketball team pathetic but he’s often on the ball


Fuck off you sanctimonious Cunt

Terrible i agree, but surely the fact that shes from mayo is offset by the fact that shes a decade or so younger

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His desire to maybe breed a rare All Ireland winning Mayo footballers should be applauded and admired

The chip on his shoulder is so big it unbalances him on certain issues.

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We’re all complicated. We all do bad shit.

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Sanctimonious is great INTERNET word.

Usually used by edgelords trying to defend the indefensible. “Sanctimonious” is a word used as an escape hatch. A word used to attack the messenger when their message can’t be denied.





adjective: sanctimonious

  1. making a show of being morally superior to other people.

People who opposed apartheid were “sanctimonious”.

So were people who wanted justice for the Guildford Four and Birmingham Six.

So were people who wanted justice for the Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy families.

So were those who fought for justice for the Hillsborough families.

So are those who oppose racism or discrimination against other minorities.

So are those who oppose genocide by Israel and Russia.

It’s such a cunt of a word and its use has been a major part of the dumbing down of public debate.

Frank McGuigan had some backhanded dig at Brolly and his marriage in that podcast with Niblock and McConville.

What a banger

Go on…

You could say it was sanctimonious calling out on live TV that a fella was “finished as a man” because he committed a professional foul in an amateur hobby …

Getting sacked by Joanne Cantwell broke him as a man.


I’d say that would break manys the man