The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe is the leader we need, and I hope I’m in the hall to see the face of Jarlath Burns when Joe wipes his eye for it.




Joe seems to be on a roll v the 2002 Armsgh team. Mcgeeney , now McNulty .

That makes McNulty look ridiculously childish, insecure and completely full of shit.


I think he just proved joes point


No, Enda is eliminating negative influences like Brolly so as he can continue to improve his daily outputs and strive for greatness.


Tbh I agree with Brollys general point but is it fair to single out mcnulty and do serious damage to his business? 50 years ago physiotherapy and some medical treatments were probably scoffed at similarly…is there a beef between the two of them predating this?

He’s a gas man anyways Brolly…couldn’t give a fuck

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Thats a great question, and I thank you for asking it.

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McNulty is a conman, any damage to his business is to be welcomed.

Ciaran Whelan blocked me from viewing his tweets when I destroyed him after his 2015 Sunday Game appearance.

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I’d say it may have been the Gardaí that did that.

Whelan just couldn’t take me exposing his double standards.

You drop truth bombs mate, don’t ever feel like you need to apologise for that.

Did your ‘destroying’ of Whelan involve you repeating the same question about 40 times over a 24 hour period?



No, it involved him failing to address his double standards and blocking me.

Brolly is the only thing about Gaelic Football that is interesting. His articles are generally fantastic and its almost difficult not to enjoy the tone of them. I assume everyone else reads them with the sound of Brolly laughing his little notheren hole off at it all. A gas man.
he is right about sports people though, especially amateurs in that they are gullible as fuck. they would buy into anything and in most cases its just so they can say they have bought into it.
The sports management, sports fitness, strengthening and conditioning, mind altering and sports psychology is a bloody genius of an area whoever began it all. the mind is harmless enough really when you are simply dealing with soft headed lads who want to run a bit quicker or kick a bit straighter but youd wonder where it will end tho what with the total lack of regulation and lack of responsibility involved in the s&c and that youd really wonder where it will go. we will have to wait till we achieve peak ‘s & c experts’ or peak ‘sports psychologists’ and see where the trail leads then.


Its a pity physio wasn’t scoffed at more.

I would imagine McNulty defended McGeeney.

The Armagh boys got a little above their station. I think at one point they mocked Joe, but the ract was he had more or less the same accolades.

There is a want in the nordie lads though. Terrible insecurity in some of them.

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I’d be more than happy to tweet Whelan your thoughts going forward, pal.


Brolly praises Gavin who uses lots of the techniques Joe slates - Bernard Dunne et al

Is there a win win with Joe defending shoplifters? Who wins?

How does OptforLife or Joe’s cystic fibrosis work measure success?

You can definitely train your mind to be more resilient, more focussed. Most of it you can get for free