The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I find its tge old ā€œprofessionsā€ that get most up in arms about new professions. Solicitors, Accountants and Physios the most.

Psychology is especially hard for them as they are the type of people who need it all in linear black and white fashion. Its hard to measure wirking with a SP, so they donā€™t understand it. Unless you win, then everythong works :joy:

What started out as an interview about her work as a sport psychologist with Paul Oā€™Connell took a fairly bizarre turn when Caroline Currid brought Joe Brolly and suicide into it. Iā€™d say Joe will come back with all guns blazing in an upcoming column.

As an aside, I think sheā€™s the one whoā€™s been picking the Dublin hurling team under Ger Cunningham. I could be wrong on this though.



Thereā€™s a five week waiting list to commit suicide?

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This Caroline Currid lady seems like a very very strange individual.

Is Brolly completely unhinged? He appears to absolutely revel in these twitter rows!!!

Doesnā€™t give a fuck. It would be brilliant if he ran for GAA president. Absolutely brilliant


Brolly would make a great President


I donā€™t think heā€™s tweeted her directly but heā€™s seething with these types and the GPA ā€œusing mental health as a shield against any criticismā€.

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Is this lady for real :joy: itā€™s as bad as that washing detergent survey a few weeks back that @treatystones gets a great giggle from ā€¦ The fact this even got to print is an indictment of the state of the Irish press


Her eyebrows are disturbing

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Thatā€™s her alright. Cunningham threw her under the bus a few weeks ago to save his own job. She is a malignant cunt from all accounts.


Wow, the ignorance towards all this is astounding

Bandage really exposes himself are a narrow minded twaat sometimes.

Bandage - just because you do not understand something does not make it any less real

Joe is scraping the barrell with that tweet.

@gilgamboa - why do you think its unhonged to be outspoken and challenging?

What is this about?

No issue with challenging. If he was doing this on a personal basis. But he is consistently doing it through the medium of Twitter. Heā€™s a busy barrister with loads of media and charity interests. Why does he take time out of his day to do this? If he really had an issue with these people why not take it up with them personally

Just because he might be right doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a form of bullying. I like Brolly but I think he is slightly unhinged is all. I think his behaviour is most unusual

I donā€™t agree with everything but i like him too.

I think sometines he feels ge is bring attrntion to a subject he or others are passionate about.

But the general media get to talk awful rubbish these days so i think its fair anyone can hace a crack back now.

I read the article with Currid before I saw the Brolly tweets and I must say I thought was a massive overreaction on his part. But he knows more about her than I do Iā€™m sure

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What specifically are you talking about? Youā€™re throwing out insults without any context.

Did you even read the interview which prompted Brollyā€™s response tweet? Sheā€™s conflating sport psychology with suicide prevention and using mental health as a weapon to hit back at Brollyā€™s criticism of her industry.

Sheā€™s essentially (and quite outrageously) calling him out for adding to the suicide problem so it doesnā€™t surprise me that heā€™d respond to such rubbish in a caustic/sarcastic manner.

I donā€™t see how his tweet is scraping the barrel unless you think any mention of mental health (even when itā€™s being used in a dubious manner for point scoring by Currid like in this instance) is removing the stigma and adding to the conversation. I think itā€™s a fair bit more nuanced than that though and itā€™s completely separate to whether any of his criticisms of sports psychology itself are valid or not or whether this lady is herself very good at it.

Youā€™re very naive sometimes.