The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Whatever happened those nasal strips?

Or the neutron diet?

I just happened upon the Sindo left on the armchair of the couch in my auld pair’s sitting room. Again, I find myself nodding in agreement with Joe’s piece which rips into Aogan O’Fearghail for his comments on the national anthem and tricolour. I actually mentioned the current GAA president being a complete lightweight on here the other day.

“The reality is that no appeasement would satisfy the Tom Elliotts and Gregory Campbells of this world. The whole point of a civilised society is to respect difference, not abandon what we are in order to satisfy bigots.”

Hear hear! :clap:


THe Selfish Giant will be hurt he didn’t earn a mention with the Members of Parliament for East Derry and Fermanagh South Tyrone

I called that cunt out a while back also. A shameful bastard

He’s a disgrace. When we get Joe in place he’ll run all these cunts outta town.

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Tommy conlon is a cunt

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I told you that last week.

There needs to be a wrestling back of the GAA from who is there now.

People in charge have sold out. I’m not talking about rugby etc, they have sold out to insurance companies, the the GPA and a small handful of companies who monopolise revenue from the GAA.

The Club Players Association already feels like a failure. It needs to be bigger.

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An apology in this week’s Sindo for a column last week by one columnist about another:

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Brolly the ultimate one armed waiter

Go fuck yourself Joe…what a cunt

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Aboy joe, sew it into the cunts


You come at the king, you best not miss


Hon Joe


Bet you a fiver at some point over the next 12 months Brolly claims this was a joke on his part. That of course he wasn’t offended and rattled and seething

This is the equivalent of Ben Shermin threatening the guards on TFK

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Throw up the article.

Indo appear to have taken down all the links…

Did you read it no? It was a rubbish article completely ridiculous shit. And I’d have no issue with people being offended by it because it was pretty crass stuff…

But Joe going crying law because someone insulted him in a rude and insensitive manner???

Joe destroyed Conlan in one swoop. He’ll never have to deal with the clown again. Sounds like efficient work to me. Conlan shouldn’t be picking fights out of his weight division.