The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Humm. You’re swallowing some severe FF cock there pal. FF led sell off of public land. Done at a time when councilors had the power to award planning permission. They don’t anymore. Search it on the Fingal coco website pal. Weak enough wumming from you to be fair.

Mate, I totally agree with you here and I see Kev has gone off on a straw man after making a drunken dick of himself last night.

But I have a question: do you think there are any industries that should be above criticism because of the work they do on the side to prevent suicide?

I know some banks are very strong in the area of corporate social responsibility so maybe the general public should lay off them.


Anybody pick up a copy of the Sindo off their parents’ coffee table today and have a glance at Joe’s column?

Did he reference anything raised in the Irish Times piece or not?

Maybe he had a column already in the can and ready to go for this Sunday?

No , I read it in the coffee house this morning . It was about a night in eoin mulligans pub flogging Kieran donaghy’s book .


Did you buy the book yet auxie boy ???

What book?


Why would i buy it?

I can’t answer that .

Quelle surprise

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I can’t answer a question regards your purchasing behaviour. I don’t know you . Never will in a probability .


Joe didn’t try a leg for today’s column.

Interesting to see where the war on sports psychology gurus will end.

Only one winner as its value starts to become more and more mainstream.


Whatever auxie .

It will rise for a few years and it will fall again like all fads in sport.