The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You should have just left out hurlers, thats where you left the door open. You were so close. But you had to just drag it back to hurling. It was an unnecessary flourish and it cost you.

That makes no sense.

You are comparing renting in the west of irelabd to buying a country estate in italy?

Are you slightly retarded?

Iā€™d say there are plenty pros who started late.

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Not in a skills based gameā€¦ Iā€™d say the return is extremely lowā€¦In a game with very little skill, athleticism is all you need.

"The club scene was in a vibrant state. But youā€™re never going to go back to that. Letā€™s take a look at Oā€™Connellā€™s story. The values that he has and has to this day were bred into him via Young Munster, the appreciation of physicality, that was bred into him by his teammates, old hard cases in Young Munster. That connection with the club game has been lost. How much it is to blame for whatā€™s happening now, it is hard to quantify that. But itā€™s got to be one of the factors in there.

But the finance of other clubs. Munster are losing games to moneyed opposition. Theyā€™re losing to big clubs with big budgets. And Munster donā€™t have the same budget. They certainly donā€™t have the same players as they had. Theyā€™re losing players and theyā€™re not able to replace them.

So, I think itā€™s several different factors but the diminished relevance of clubs is a problem for Irish rugby. If you look at the great players, their values came from their clubs. And that connection has been lost."

Tom English - author of No Borders Playing Rugby for Ireland

It makes perfect sense, mate.

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Tim Duncan - Basketball, switched from swimming at 14/15
Michael Oher - American Football, started at 14
Alex Morgan - US Womans soccer, started at 13
Nate Quarry - MMA, started at 24!!! Never played organised sport
Ditembe Mutombo - Started Basketball in college. Played NBA
Jimmy Graham - Played Basketball in Uni of Miami for 3 years. Then moved to football. Played NFL
HAKEEM OLAJUWON - Started at 15. Ibe of the greateat NBA players EVER!!!

I could go on

Cc @Tim_Riggins

Blackrock have 245 members.

Crokes have 6400 members.
26 times more.

This is GAA country.


FFS. One of the old stooges holding the fucking game back.

The club game was thrown under a bus.

The Nigerian Nightmare

Ah stop will youā€¦ American sportsā€¦ Basketball generally has one or two really skillful players and the rest are big oafsā€¦ American football has a load of non skills positionā€¦ and @myboyblue, Sean og was 11, not 13ā€¦ Thatā€™s two whole years.

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playing members?

I cannot help you if you cannot see the skill in those sports. Hakeem was a ridiculously skillful player ffs. There are plenty lads as big as them and as fast. They excelled for skill based reasons.
And there was a soccer player there, and i know there is more.


Listen, you were like Fr Ted, Panel beating the car. You nearly had it, but you couldnā€™t put down the hammer

Of course not but there are 130 teams in Crokes.

didnā€™t know anything about hurling. Hurling was a novelty sport for me and Iā€™m asked to pick it up, but not alone that Dad is expecting me to master it (laughs nervously). And any hurling people know itā€™s the most technical sport going, and I was on the back foot as an 11-year-old kid. Many kids, even in my own local GAA club, started at five, six years of age. And as I try and pick up the game and develop and move on, he gets frustrated; I get frustrated because Iā€™m just not grasping the game, itā€™s a struggle. And it is a struggle until my mid-20s. Truth be known, it wasnā€™t until I was 26/27 that I felt comfortable as a hurler.

Paul Oā€™Connell says same thing

ā€œProfessional rugby has had an impact on club rugby and thatā€™s had a knock-on effect. Leinster get players from schools, we got our players from the AILā€¦ the status of the AIL has gone and itā€™s affected Munster and they need to rethink about how we produce players.ā€

how many adult teams?

Heā€™s lying