The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

anything to back that up?

Name one professional soccer player that took up the game at 13? Or inter county hurler?

Eh you are missing the poibt and talking about the past or recent past.

Wgat gives me great pleasure is that some day in 20 or 30 years time you bitter cunt will be somewhere thinking " that cunt from Cork was right"

Sean Og Oā€™Halphin

A 3 time All Star

You cunt, you beat me to it :grinning:

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Stop, heā€™s after battering you on that point, best admit defeat on it, and continue on your relentless rant.

I wonā€™t be bitter.

I will have retired to bliss to my country estate in Cesena then.

And of course thats a diversion question.

Irs not about the elite. Its about participation and retention. IRFU is showing the way. The full picture will take a while to reveal itself, but its coming.

Anymore? Iā€™d say the list is fairly short and non existent for soccerā€¦If 13 is the prime age to take up sport youā€™d imagine there be thousands.

Not soending all your life on an internet forum you wonā€™t.

You have no idea what it takes to make money. Real money. Money that would allow that happen.

Posted a load of links showing rugby in Ireland is fucked. You post an opinion with your silly GGA jumper on shoulder wearing chinos reference trying to belittle the most successful sporting organisation in the country.

To recap.

  • no cash to compete with the French and English clubs even allowing for dismantling of real clubs to set up 4 new provinces as clubs

  • collapse in adult numbers players and members

  • collapse is playing numbers at secondary school level

  • parents concerns over injury influencing sports they allow kids to play and rugby and concussion being mentioned by 2 in 3

  • Blackrock rugby club looking to be bailed out of debt by Cuala in rugby country

  • crokes and Cuala having 6000 members and 130 teams and 2000 members and 95 teams in rugby heartland of South Dublin

By the way I was there when Ireland beat the all blacks in Chicago. I am who goes to those games.

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rogbee is miles behind footbal in terms of participation ans retention

the FAI is showing the way


Yes, but you phrased your question poorly and he buried it. With a three time All Ireland and All Star winner and one of the best known hurlers in the game over the past 30 years or so.

It canā€™t always be summer.

I have succeeded in my chosen profession.

You are a failure in a variety of fields.

The numbers are collapsing. Participation and retention. break that down. There wonā€™t be full contact adult rugby in ten years.

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Not saying its the prime age, there are other considerations and some sports are different.

But a kid who has been active and played loads of sport can take up a sport post puberty and do well ir maybe even excel at it.

Iā€™m not suggesting a kid who spent his first 12 years at a playstation can do it.

Movement underpins athleticism. Athleticism underpins sporting ability. And oppurtunity and environment underpin it all after that.

Any soccer players? The most played game in the world? Iā€™m genuinely interestedā€¦If 13 is the prime age there has to be a few hundred out of the hundreds thousands of Pro players worldwide

Heā€™s already renting in Galway, mate, which with the ridiculous property prices in Ireland means heā€™d be more than set up to pay for a country estate in Cesena, where the property prices are a hell of a lot more reasonable, if he wanted to.