The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Fuckin spoofer

Whats the gist?

Gimme a pile a cash and Iā€™ll make you a winner,but if you donā€™t win it wonā€™t be my fault itā€™ll be yours

O Rourke softened him up to start with getting anecdotes of how he helped Sexton and BOD. McNulty was plugging his book. Then he got asking if he why he hung the armagh panel and didnā€™t get a game. Got on to Brolly criticism next but he refused to comment. Left it then

is mcnulty the Tony Quinn of the Millenials

You donā€™t deal in facts, evidenced by your poorly researched figures on Blackrock Rugby Club and Blackrock College.

Has Cuala grown? Of course, as evidenced by them needing more land, but five times? Thatā€™s utter shite. According to Cuala, they have 1200 childrenā€™s members. So theyā€™re saying there were a few hundred back then. From living and actually playing against them, thatā€™s nonsense. Theyā€™ve always had a few teams at each age level for under 12s, it isnā€™t a new thing. What constitutes a ā€œmemberā€ changes all the time.

As for Fergus Slattery, Iā€™ve been to his pre game AIL lunches (there was a table of us with hair and not greying) and itā€™s the same thing, bring back the Leinster League. Bring back the local derbies. His agenda.

I never denied that club rugby has struggled in some places and age levels in the last 10 years. Iā€™ve written posts on it before, but it isnā€™t universal. Slatts comes from a time when Blackrock RFC were king in the area and most old Rock boys went there to keep playing. Blackrock struggled because once Rock boys started going elsewhere 15 years ago, their self image made them unattractive for some people from other local schools to play for. Other clubs have done very well. Youths club rugby is now an important pathway for player development (and not just schools), but Blackrock struggle there.

You are like that Japanese solider in the jungle in the 70s. We have moved on.

One would imagine that it takes a particular breed of cunt to willingly attend a lunch where Fergus Slattery was the entertainment.


I went once as a favour to a lad. I was sat beside him for dinner. He honestly had a huge pile of caricature pictures of himself which he was signing and handing out unasked. He spent most of the dinner trying to drum up a bit of business.
Heā€™s a strange coot.
Jpr Williams was the other speaker. He couldnā€™t string a sentence together.

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Who is Fergus Slattery anyway?


I believe he is a former Rugby international



He is an estate agent.

Why would an estate agent be handing out signed caricatures of himself at a luncheon ? What else does he do?

He speaks at luncheons.


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Fergus Slattery speaks at luncheons and because Fergus Slattery speaks at luncheons then people get Fergus Slattery to speak at luncheons. They call this the Fergus Slattery effect. Itā€™s an infinite loop

I just keep thinking of Luncheon roll.

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He was a flanker

A right flanker

Cheers TSG, was he any good?