The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

What does he speak about?

The Leinster League, I believe.

The difference between Corned Beef and Luncheon Roll

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Humourous anecdotes from his luncheon speaking career

I wouldn’t be overly familiar with rugby but if he is an after dinner speaker now talking about matches of yesteryear he must have had something about him


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Rugby dressing room anecdotes?

Luncheon roll is also known as baloney in the states,insert your own jokes here

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He was a British Loin

Loin of baloney

Slats was a very good rugby player in his day. He probably wouldn’t have cut it in the professional era because he would have been too small for a flanker.

I was at dinner before Christmas where Wullie John McBride was the speaker. Money for jam. He told the story of his career, went into detail on tour to South Africa in 1974 and finished with a well worn joke about phonecalls home to wives. We reckoned that he has had 20+ years of delivering the same spiel and has it very well polished by now.

What’s the story with the calls home to the wives? Did he tell the story about the 99 call?

Of course he did. He has made a mint off the back of it.

Bullet points…
Tight fisted Loins committee. All phonecalls home charged back to player. Large bill to some Welsh player for calls to his home number. Same welshman jumps up and asks loudly “who has been calling my wife?”

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Probably 10 k for the gig for him…that’s why players love the Lions

Brolly and his niece on Miriam meets right now, very promising start about the troubles.

Did miriam mention how Dana was from derry and didnt join the Ra



Oxter !!! Haven’t heard that term in years .

WTF? Do you think this is Joe Brolly thread or something?

Joe’s talking shit about anthems here.