The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You put an awful lot of faith in second hand info.

When it comes from people at the coal face who have nothibg to gain by lying to a Corkman then yes, i would tend to believe them. While always aware there is 2 sides to any story

They could be spoofers like you.


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Joe is tremendous fun, people would do well to just laugh along when he comes out with stuff like that. Tomás O Sé broke his hole laughing at him last night, I was sure he was going to tell him to go away and fuck himself :smiley:

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Joe’s trouble is that he is turning into a caricature of himself.

I’d have agreed with that before he threw his leg out over the trace with Tommy Conlon. He loves trolling as long as he’s the one at it.


Its hard to twist and turn every which way the wind blows when you’re in a hurricane. Not even Joe Quimby could manage that.

Someone stick that on a poster and pop it into the guru thread please.

Jesus I’d forgotten how much he slapped the shit out of Conlon, that cheered me up no end remembering it.

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The presidential campaign slowly creeps into action

Joe will make a fine president and run the bean counters to fook out of it

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Joe being a QC obviously doesn’t realise the constitutional limit of the Presidency .

The apple does’nt fall far from the tree

Peter The Great’s son top scored for Tyrone as well.

Joe brolly nailing why the gaa is absolutely fucked across the country on rte radio one.

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Joe is a great man

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He only charged the Antrim boys a pint of guinness for his expert services during the week,a fantastic gael.
Joe would be a great man to go for a pint with id say


Jesus but I’d say he’s tremendous fun. He could barely talk to the Off the Ball boys the other night as he was laughing so much st the crack he’d had running an artic through the GAAs rules and regulations. Why anybody accepts a suspension or a transfer ruling anymore is beyond me.

Who did OTB have on today with Gilroy trying to defend their treatment of that Antrim footballer Brolly has rowed in behind?