The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

No doubt about it that heā€™s getting a raw deal. I reckon heā€™s a sound fellow whoā€™s way over analysed. Sure he can lose the head sometimes on the pitch but thereā€™s never any venom in it, pure athletic competitivity all heat of the moment stuff just like any other player during a game.

Then you this thing about him hitting some guy in a club a few years back. God only knows what the story is there but that vilification seems to have followed him onto the pitch. I hope they start to lay off him, heā€™s an excellent player who is being hounded about unfairly in my opinion.

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Telepathy was it?

Iā€™ve no idea what it is you want me to say here mate.

How did Joe convey his words to you?

Do you know many sound fellas who assault strangers in bars?

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Bumped for @backinatracksuit

I know plenty of sound lads who threw a dig in a bar in their youth.

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A week ago you were blowing shite about pucking the heads off lads in Newcastle West.

I donā€™t believe Connollyā€™s dig was unprovoked. Btw. I donā€™t agree with brolly who is just being contrary. He deserved 12 weeks and Iā€™m glad he is accepting the suspension.

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I said I was the one getting the head pucked off me TBF :grinning:

I never went up to a lad in a bar I didnā€™t know and attack him, and then punch him on the ground. Did you? Because thatā€™s psychopath behaviour.

I know what the papers reported. However i have heard from reliable sources Connolly wad provoked but completely over reacted. Accepting full culpability was part of the settlement.
I will say these reliable sources are Vincentā€™s people but in fairness the independent story doesnā€™t ring true

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There is strong rumours around Dublin that Connolly is going to appeal after all. @myboyblue will have a shite haemorrhage.

@myboyblue is the left overs from a shite hemorrhage.



For a barrister itā€™s an incredibly poor argument from Brolly, full of whataboutery. Connolly is getting 12 weeks for putting his hand on the linesman. The Gooch, Spillane and the 3 Carlow players are irrelevant.

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Itā€™d only be delicious if Connolly and Dublin were to go and appeal now, and make themselves look like even bigger scrapings of an abortion.

He canā€™t appeal it now. He had 72 hours from receipt of notification of penalty to lodge it. That ship has sailed.

I canā€™t see how he could anyway. Whatever about opposition lads winding him up on the pitch, he canā€™t defend this one

Itā€™s insane. Connolly acts the cunt in not giving the ball to Carlow to take the free. A bit jostling ensues as the Carlow players try tyo get the ball off him.

Joe says ā€˜It is worth noting that the conduct of the three Carlow players, who aggressively grabbed and held him, bumped and bored and scrabbed at him, was ignored, both by the officials at the time and by the media afterwards.ā€™

The Connolly doesnā€™t just remonstrate with the official he shoves his finger into his chest in a threatening manner.

Thatā€™s not the same as simply placing a hand on an official so the rule definitely needs to be changed to include the word ā€˜in a threatening mannerā€™. Theyā€™re probably covered by the fact that the examples are simply examples and they can argue the toss on physical interference.

This is the current wording:

Category V
(i) Minor physical interference (e.g. laying a hand on, pushing, pulling or jostling) with
a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.

The reality here is that the referee should have just grown a pair of balls and sent Connolly off.

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