The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

he can, he has been screwed

It was included in the refs report yet the ref did nothing on the day

the clear implication is that the refs report is dishonest


FFS Elvis I wanted to see how far poor aul Binky would take this. Cmon man.

If the appeal was in on Friday evening then he is fine to appeal and I believe this is the case. It seems the media reports claiming he wasnā€™t appealing were incorrect.

Iā€™d agree with that. Why did it make the report if he didnā€™t think any action should be taken against him.

Youā€™ll find I am on the money on this one. Feel free to apologise in your own time.

The ref was clearly trying to cover up the fact that he didnā€™t send off Connolly when he should have.

Bottom line, Connolly deserved a red card and should have gotten it. The ref fucked up and found a way to clear this up.

Itā€™s not acceptable but it was a way ensure justice was served.

if its not acceptable then Connolly shouldnā€™t be banned

The Carlow keeper kicked the ball over the line, and he assumed - as you would - that he was entitled to the ball. Except the cunt of a linesman, assisted by the referee, inexplicably gave the line ball to Carlow. So he was holding onto it in the belief that he was correct in assuming that Dublin were due the line ball. Just giving the context here btw

This is the ultimate point that is being lost here. Why did neither the referee nor the linesman act immediately? They saw it happen - in fact (if the report is to be believed) FELT it happen. So their inaction should surely be assessed. How Brannagan got another match after his absolute dire performance that day is also inexplicable

Surely the ref will be suspended for not sending Connolly off?

I have nothing to apologise for. I am looking forward however to these event unfolding.

I think he probably worded it as ā€œmy linesman reported to me after the game thatā€ or often I think referees are sent videos of incidents and asked them if they are still happy with their original decision.

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Iā€™m sure that, or similar, happened once he was made aware of the fuss around it, but he and most definitely the linesman saw the incident and as such should have taken action there and then if they felt it warranted it.
Thatā€™s not to say I donā€™t think the suspension isnā€™t warranted (if a bit harsh, but they are the rules). I just think the referee bottled it.

You seem a bit wet behind the ears Julio.

Heā€™s green behind the ears, mateā€¦

Iā€™ve just watched this clip, is that it? Is that what all the roaring and shouting is all about?

Spillane is not covering himself in glory here. Thatā€™s serious witchhunting going on there. Connelly is getting steamrolled very unfairly for very little. Do gooders standing on his throat, certainly suits Kerry to shelve Connelly for the summer.


Mate, Spillane had nothing got to do with Noel Connellys dismissal.

What is @grapes talking about at all?

Nobody knows.

I watched it again, there really is nothing in it. I canā€™t believe people are making such a big deal out of that. Heā€™s been very badly done by here. Witch-hunt and a half.

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Maybe he is a witch, have you tried drowning him to find out?