The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

He said he was only told about it afterwards by the assistant referee, thatā€™s according to his report as referred to the in the Brolly article.

They should definitely have dealt with it there and there and they should also be admonished for making such an utter fuck up.

He was looking straight at it. As was the fourth official - you can see that from the video above

Does the fourth official have any actual power bar being a glorified sign post? Iā€™ve never seen them call the refs attention to anything

Yeah I said that. What point are you making? Clearly the ref made a fuck up and should have sent him off there and then for pushing the assistant referee/linesman.

They tried to rectify that in the refereeā€™s report by saying that the assistant referee advised the referee of it after the game.

Itā€™s odd but that thatā€™s how it was done and surely you canā€™t be claiming the Connolly is innocent of the charges?

Iā€™m not claiming anything. Iā€™ve never said that he was innocent. Itā€™s the procedure I have an issue with

I find it odd that had the ref dealt with it DC would be banned for one game. He hasnā€™t and due to HIS fuck up, heā€™s banned now for 12 weeks. Whats the punishment on a referee/linesman for fucking up?

Iā€™m also of the personal opinion that the referee may have gotten a phone call afterwards due to the furore stoked up by the meeja

Not really - i was merely pointing out that all eyes were on the incident. No one in the crowd even flinched or thought it would become a thing when it happened - in fact the boos rang out afterwards because the linesman called the wrong way! The language and abuse doled out by Murphy to the same linesman after his sending off offended more delicate people in the crowd

Can you imagine what Connolly would have done if he were sent off? Heā€™d still be breaking heads and eye sockets.

And wouldā€™ve only got a 2 match ban for that probably

As long as he did no damage to the stadium, or its surrounds.[quote=ā€œmikehunt, post:1327, topic:19611, full:trueā€]
Can you imagine what Connolly would have done if he were sent off? Heā€™d still be breaking heads and eye sockets.

Yeah the whole situation is a clusterfuck.

Connolly clearly deserves the ban for what he did and the officiating also need to be penalised for failing to act as well. Simples.

Jaysus, just watched that. 12 week ban for that is way ott. There was nothing in it. Theyā€™ll allow someone to half kill another player and do less time.
I havenā€™t ever encountered him, nor know anyone that has, buy heā€™s hard done by there imo.


You canā€™t have officials lying and concocting stories after the event. Thatā€™s the way the SFA operate - like the Dougie Dougie incident when Neil Lennon was Celtic manager.


Respectfully disagree.

You simply cannot go soft on players you are threatening towards officials like that.

Itā€™s not the same as clattering a player during the game.

Heā€™s going out of his way to abuse and threaten an official. 24 weeks is about right. heā€™ll miss what, three games?


I cant understand that attitude, were it to be allowed continue, no one would referee a club game ever again. And its fucking hard enough get them as it is. If its a case of 12 month bans for everyone who lays a hand, then so be it, let Connolly be the first (wrongly or rightly only the first?), and hammer everyone going forward.

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Galvin would have been the first in fairness. Clearly itā€™s becoming more common these days so they have to start enforcing the rules now - which they should have been doing all along anyhow.

where are you getting this from? If he was sent off, he would have been sent off under the rule which he is now being banned for? Why would you think if he got sent off he would only get a 1 game ban?

@flattythehurdler, the rules as they are set out now state it is a minimum 12 week suspension.

12 week ban for this guy too then going by the rule book?

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Yes, but they obviously didnā€™t continue it from Galvin. Maybe like you said, Galvin put an end to all such things at the time, but any collection of CCC reports from CBā€™s around the country would tell you this isnā€™t the case today anyway. Its disappointing Connolly isnā€™t man enough to take his punishment, but it seems no one is anymore really. The fact that Mullaneā€™s act keeps getting referenced, despite being at least over 10 years ago at this point says it all.


absolutely pal, if it makes you feel better.