The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It’s not about making me feel better.

Why is there no song and dance about that Muldoon getting a 12 week ban?

We all know the answer. It’s a witch hunt against Connolly.


The referee and officials are sacrosanct in the GAA. Their well-being is off the utmost importance. Any pup laying a finger on a ref should be banned for 12

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exactly, poor aul Dermo has done nothing wrong and all these GGA muldoons are out to get him and the duds


They should also get a kicking in their next game back, and be given little or no protection from the referee. Just to learn 'em.

That’s exactly it. The GGA are failing to implement their rules consistently.

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exactly pal. There should be no difference whatsoever in their interpretation of the rule, whether it is a player touching the referees arm to get his attention to talk without any malice or aggression or whether he walks up to the official shoves him , points his finger in his face and gives abuse, the rules clearly state this is all the same.


Bunch of cowboys​

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The key point here is that Armstrong is not that type of player. Connolly on the other hand is a gouger.


Evan Comerford and Davy Fitzgerald were man enough.


Because if he’s gotten a red card, it would have been deemed ‘dealt’ with by the referee

How come Murphy wasn’t cited for his ‘Threatening language to a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or (the very same) Sideline official’ then, when everyone in the stand heard it? Which was after his second yellow, so not the same offence

Was there a witch hunt against Paul Kerrigan and that Galway player on the Sunday Game last night?

I bet there wasn’t.

Despite both of them committing the exact same “offence” as Connolly.

Connolly is being singled out for no other reason than he’s a Dub who takes no shit and stands up for himself.

Mucksavages hate that and they hate the fact that he’s been a key player in four All-Ireland winning teams.

Kerry can’t beat Dublin when it matters, so they’ve resorted to drugs and using their media Goebbels to try and get Dermo suspended.


are you serious? it would have been dealt with on the field, the suspension is a completely separate scenario. He would have been sent off for the same infraction that he is now getting a 12 week ban for. I’m not sure what you are not understanding here. Player should have been dismissed under Cat 5.32. That red card offence carries a minimum suspension of 12 weeks. The referee fucked up and didnt give him a red card, that has no bearing on the suspension.

The matter was dealt with on the field.

That’s the end of the matter.

Connolly will rightly be exonerated.

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maybe, maybe not. only the referee knows if he dealt with it or not.

I dont know much about Evan, but Davy is a great great man.

When Connolly is exonerated, Dublin need to demand a public apology and monetary compensation from the GAA for defamation of Connolly’s character, legal costs, undue stress caused and time wasted.

It should be a large sum. Six figures at least.

Are you suggesting there’s no GAA dark arts at play here, and it’s all that straightforward?

The lads on RTÉ radio devoted a full minute to saying how Higgins wasn’t that type of player and how out of character it was of him before actually discussing the incident. Keith’s a great guy, very out of character, a gent, red mist, clean record, etc

no, I’m asking you how do you think he would get a one match ban for being sent off for an offence that carries a minimum 12 match suspension. If he was sent off there and then, he would have to get a 12 match ban. As Sidney points out, the one thing on his side is that if he wasnt sent off, then maybe the ref did see it and did not deem it worthy of a red card. If he got sent off there, it would be even more clear cut.