The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I’d personally agree with a lot of what Brolly says regarding the GAA becoming elitist, the influence of the GPA, spoofers like McNulty and other hangers on making a killing, club players being forgotten about etc.

But I think he has a neck to call out another pundit when he himself can dish out as much vitriol as anyone when the mood takes him.

Joe can dish it out but doesn’t like it being returned to him. He got an apology recently in the Indo for something that was said about him that he didn’t like. He has a thick skin when it suits him.

Spillane is a bit of a fool too. Every bit as much of an attention seeker but lacks the wit and articulation of Brolly. Spillane and Whelan, in particular, are so biased towards their own it is laughable.


Brolly is everything the Eire establishment despise. An erudite educated northern nationalist who reminds them by his very existence of their failings towards his kin.


Brolly is well liked in Eire, you stupid cunt.


Nah he’s just a mouthy, hypocritical, narcissistic, Eamon Dunphy wanabee.

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Not by the establishment. His da was in the ra.

Joe is well liked, and respected, across the board.

Name a member of the establishment that doesn’t like Joe.

Tommy Conlon?

Some difference in the byline picture for Tommy’s articles in The Times (Ireland edition) compared to the Sindo. The latter must be about 15 years and 5 stone ago.



Poor mousey the free state stooge

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Not the establishment.


Not the establishment - a wanker - but not the establishment —

Joe is liked and well respected in all parts of the Island except Kerry.

Gooch is the establishment.

I know a couple of Kerry people who worship the ground he walks on. So I would imagine there are plenty others there too.

Here’s Tommy in today’s paper:

Can’t believe Brolly went after him.

Has “The Times” now get a hibernified print version ?

Is that a better or worse profile pic than his indo one?

Started an Irish edition print version a few weeks ago. Used to be only available online.

The Times they are a changing