The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That never happened.

Of course not, only gays and snowflakes drink smoothies.

Be specific , because there are now at least 61 people under suspicion for telling you .


Barack Obama?


If he did he has been sent home with his tea in a mug.

@spidey was just pulling the boys legs pal.

Iā€™ve gone in too early there in my rush to see Brolly with egg on his face.

I suspected Connolly would have long standing legal representation but thought it uncharitable to say it.



I think my smoothie got spiked - Dermo will not appeal.

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Hypocrite alert !


Joe Brolly is really starting to sicken my shit lately.


He was getting a load of attention from the crowd at the Ulster final. He started playing up to it as well.

The man becomes more like a cartoon with every breath.


Spillane will hardly take this without response

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Spillane will bide his time and return with interest. If Kerry beat Cork next Sunday I can see him taking aim at Brolly, Dolan and Gavin indiscriminately.

I like Brolly I must admit but itā€™s a bit rich of him to have a go at Spillane for airing a view that most would agree with while he himself launched a character assassination on Sean Cavanagh previously.

Yes, I can see why it would sicken the shit of the thick roasters who froth at the mouth of over the success of Dublin GAA that an erudite and obviously highly intellectual man of the law like Joe has spoken up in defence of Diarmuid Connolly, whereas the most ā€œarticulateā€ spokesman for the anti-Dublin and anti-Connolly cavemen is that bumbling simpleton Pat Spillane.

Keep telling yourself that pal. Brolly will turn on you one of these days. Probably just about when you stop being hugely successful

I generally agree with a lot of what Brolly says calling out spoofers etc. but he has some cheek hanging out Spillane like this when if he was on the show that night heā€™d have done exactly the same. As Stewart Lee would say itā€™s remarkable how he manages to find a controversial opinion every week for his column, almost as if he doesnā€™t really believe them.
Just for clarity I think Spillane is an awful ape as well.

He is some man to dole it out alright. Spillane is a bigger bell end than him bit I hope he lets fly. Brolly wouldnā€™t be great man to take it now.

I actually like him too as an individual but think heā€™s a bully in the media. Mcnulty is a spoofer fine but why consistently bully him for no apparent reason? Fires a solicitors letter at the indo when tommy conlon insults him. Sean Cavanagh got it between the eyes big time. Didnā€™t he have a go at coll o Rourke on telly another night about losing his shirt on a property deal?