The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Stephen McDonnell and his mates donā€™t know how lucky they are. I know of a few rugby lads like that.

Brolly gives up an awful lot of his own time for altruistic causes for no charge.

To be fair to him, heā€™s made a very successful career for himself outside of football, so doesnā€™t really need any of the money floating about from media/corporate gigs.


I know that he does that, and donā€™t have a problem with Brolly per se. But he does also make money out of his status as a GAA personality, so I find his attack somewhat hypocritical.


Not so successful anymore. And yes he does need the money, what with 2 homes to fund

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Did he come out of an academy?

As I said, sounds like a thick bollox

Derval O Rourke works for Munster almost as a career guidance role to avoid this happening

Why do the Muldoons on here always begrudge GGA players trying to make themselves a few bob?

Iā€™ve heard this.

Sheā€™s from Mayo apparently.

Does he?

I donā€™t think he does it for the money, more for the spotlight.

Yes he did. Got a scholarship to go to a rugby secondary school, underage international and then into academy and has been in pro contracts for the past 5 or 6 years Iā€™d say

Masking it as ā€˜someā€™ going to charity without clarifying exactly how much/percentage just makes it seems like heā€™s trying to make it more respectable. At least have the carraigs to say itā€™s for the money

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Heā€™s from a blueshirt family so itā€™s not surprising.

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By a squad player do you mean a non first teamer?

Somone like ronan o mahony for example (i.e. non international and not gteed starter for Munster) would probably get 80/90stg in england and maybe 120k + euro in Franceā€¦plus bonuses.

At the bottom end, fellas who would be struggling to get a contract here would do a lot better in france. Money is crap in 2nd tier in uk

The very wan.


I am assuming to be fair, but whatever his motivation I doubt heā€™s not getting paid for his media work.

Fuck sake. Little excuse so.

Iā€™ve heard he doesnā€™t donates his RTE money but that may or may not be bunkum.

Whether he does or he doesnā€™t, heā€™s within the milieu and hasnā€™t ever said he has a problem with people being paid to be GAA personalities in the media. Personal opinion, but it makes his criticism sit uneasily with me.


Ok. Iā€™m in board with that.
As i said the charity thing seemed like something thrown in late.
The rest is as you say people spending money