The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I just wonder is it a hand out/leg up??? Is he ginancially in strife of some sort?

This guy must be a chump or else on his way to quals as i believe the IRFU % of players with degrees is around 90%

Having said that i agree. The balanxe and mental well being of being an irdinary person having to work as well must be a health and mental gealth advantage

He is definitely paid for media work

Does the Gooch work in the bank?

Heā€™s a civil servant. (He works for state owned AIB. )


How in the fuck can they sell tickets if itā€™s not for charity? Are people that dumb :open_mouth:
He was a fine player though, at one stage Iā€™d say he was even in the top ten footballers in the whole country and one of the top 3 in Kerry

He might work for a state owned company but he certainly doesnā€™t have civil servant status.

I doubt it heā€™s just a hungry kerry cunt.I met him in NY once,cunt didnā€™t put his hand in his pocket all week.And I doubt he ever does.


Jealousy is a really terrible trait.

Itā€™s a itā€™s a itā€™s a itā€™s a sin

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Sitting around with the other football pundits on The Sunday Game before the final programme of the year last Sunday night, we were shooting the breeze, when I asked: "Hey Gooch, why was I not invited to this testimonial?"

"I wasnā€™t invited either," said Colm Oā€™Rourke. Cooper blanched.

"I didnā€™t realise things were so tight for you Gooch," I said, ā€œI have a great network of charity connections. Why donā€™t I organise a nationwide bucket collection for you outside GAA clubs to coincide with the testimonial?ā€ The others were snorting with laughter.

Just Joe acting the bully again.


I think thats just banter.
Pointed banter, but banter none the less.

Gooch cannot expect to go into public eye like this and do a testimonial etc and expect an easy ride


All those pundits make a living or at least money off the GAA so let them reconcile that with themselves first. Most of them are seething they did Not think of it

Rugby which Joe Loves had testimonials for players in amateur days.

Real issue is only so much money around so money otherwise intended for Kerry teams ends up with Gooch.


I would agree with that, but recounting a story where everybody was snorting with laughter at your jokes is the height of cuntishness


If it was banter, and its pretty shit banter if it turns out gooch is on his uppers, then grand. But publishing the tale again to get a 2nd shame out of him? I actually agree with everything else in his article he has probably convinced me on it i was on d fence. Just think hes a bully

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A typical mouthy little Nordie


A chip on both shouldersā€¦ The Kerry lot wonā€™t be bothered by such jibes when thereā€™s money on the table.

5k for a table of 10 people.

If they sell all 50 tables thatā€™s 250k tax free. Throw in the auction on the night and say they raise another 50 grand from that (which is probably a conservative figure)

300k in total. If, say, half of that goes to charity thatā€™s still 150k for him. Some going in fairness.

And a grand cushy number he has in the Killarney branch too.

Wheeled out for any promotional event while in his own playing days he was removed from front desk duties in the weeks preceding big championship matches to avoid bellyache from supporters.

exactly, clean up whilst they can, the gga is only a pretend amateur organisation, every fucker is on the take, managers on 5 or 6 figures salaries are hardly driving the length and breath of the country fir the love of the game