The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Rastooler :rollseyes:

Youā€™re like a child.

Thats what we call Pretend IRA lads like yourself, nembo, bandage and sid.

Ye still have not given us the other side ye blow on about.

What else is going on here ye are privy to?

looks like mosuey bandage and nembo have won this argument

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Its not. Its fact.

Why did this GAA club not snub Croke Park?

Or write strongly worded letters.

I wonder has this club ever recoeved money from the British Government?

Pretend IRA? Can you quantify that statement ?

I havenā€™t blown on about any sideā€¦ I merely called your ignorance in regards to the how the police were viewed by nationalists into question. The RUC had murdered nationalists since the creation of Northern Ireland - people are not machines - they cant just flick a switch and think a new way, it was always going to take timeā€¦

Strongly worded letters about what?

Actually, the comparison to the KKK wouldnā€™t be that far off at all for the RUC/PSNI!

To say the PSNI were a ā€œnew organisationā€ is a good one. There was nothing new about them circa 2002, except for the name and badge. Recruitment from Catholic areas was incredibly low and old practices, bigotry and attitudes remained in place. This has begun to change in past 3/4 years but the remnants are still there.

The RUC actively took part in harassing Catholic civilians, whether involved in anything or not, they treated the nationalist community appallingly and were rightly hated. In some cases they colluded in murdering innocent civilians. Just think itā€™s important to keep that in mind when viewing things from 2017 Rose Tinted Glasses from hundreds of miles away :roll_eyes:

Surely no GGA club would ever accept money from the Brits? @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has this ever happened?

Crossmaglen did

So the GGA are accepting money from an organisation like the KKK? The GGA are actively helping this organisation to recruit in the pages of their all-Ireland programmes.

This is shocking.

You have absolutely no clue of the context of the Northern conflict and your views in a very complex and awkward position are testament to that.

Many people would have seen what Herron did as treachery to join an organisation that they had suffered serious injustice from and you canā€™t blame them for that. What happened to him was terrible but he chose that profession, it was a choice he must have made knowing it would turnany in his own community against him.

Iā€™d imagine a sizeable amount of the nationalist community would have a big issue against someone they knew joining the security forces at that point.

Canā€™t answer your question mate, Iā€™ve never heard of this gga

Not one of these rastoolers are a member of a gaa club.
Weird fuckers

The RUC regularly set up catholics to be murdered. The captain of the Antrim football Champions this year had his brother murdered with the aid of RUC collusion, you have so little an understanding of the situation up North and you exhibit this again and again.

This would have been a major issue in any nationalist communitt at that time. The police force were not trusted and were obstructing justice for many nationalists that suffered at its hands.

You wear that GAA membership very very proudly mate.


I was never under any disilusion about Catholics views on the Police. I am fully aware of it.

Croke Park didnā€™t buy in though.
GAA Clubs clearly made no effort.

This club when presented with a difficult situation meekly slid out of it.

You are defending the clubs role in it. I believe they were weak and hung this lad put to dry and alliwed a sporting organisation be over run by scumbags

The hypocriosy on this subject is always amusing.

Iā€™m defending no one, iā€™m just asking you to be more balanced.

How did they meekly slide out of it? Most of family were and ate still on the club committee. The reaction came from within the community and that is understandable.

Ya thays him.

What about the club allowing the IRA walk all over them?