The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I’m not supporting it. The police were hated by the Catholic community… It was early days post good Friday…

What happened him was disgusting and I’m sure there’s plenty of regret by members of the club. But as always, you’ve a tendency to bring everything to the hear and now of your world

Straw man alert: Brolly’s article isn’t alleging that the GAA club organised the bombing - just that their actions before and after the bombing assisted the isolation of Heffron in the community and were unbecoming of the GAA.


I absolutely have a clue. You have no idea what i know or have experience of.

People are attacking Brolly for attacking the club. They deserve attacking in regards to their treatment of the man. And tough shit if it looks bad. They should have thought of that previously.

His article does not make the liyalists more likely to attack the club. This nonsense of Brolly endangering the club who highlights their pathetic defensiveness or the made up defensiveness of people on here.

You don’t get to talk about 2 sides of the story when you stay silent. Thats David Walsh carry on.

This is exactly it

They have not expressed it.

Which shows there is continued weakness.

this is the here and now. We are all aware of the situation back then. You’d swear nobody here who isn’t a nordie can understand that. Or that we never met, worked with, lived with, were related to or were friends people who lived thru it.

They have had plenty chance since and failed to avail of it and now allow people go out and throw out spurious “you don’t know the full story” under their breath innuendo.

Grow a pair of fucking balls and take Brolly on. Tell us what really happened.

Its one thing to be utterly pussed off with somebody doing something like joining the cops. Its another to treat him like an outcast and allow the IRA run roughshod over your club and encourage intimidation.

This is a typical example of where nordies forget what a GAA Club is for.

Kev what should Croke Park have done?

If one of your team mates openly joined the KKK or some hate group do you think some members of your club would be uneasy with it?

I’m not saying that would be cause to facilitate the person to be bombed… But I can understand why there might have been tension and disdain from people within the club at the time… They couldn’t grasp what the police was trying to become, it still represented an organization that hated everything nationalist, including the GAA.

Now, lifelong friends should have known better and it appears he continued to have friends and support from within the club but expecting everyone at the time to just flick a switch and except the police is a tad naive. Again, I’m not saying that’s excuse for what happened him… I’m no supporter of the real IRA and neither are the majority of nationalists in the north. Their act was utterly cowardly… We don’t know the full extent of what went on within the club, but labelling the whole club as being part of the act of violence like @caoimhaoin and others are doing is over reactionary. I’ve no doubt some in the club wronged him, but there was still a lot of raw pain about the troubles and the role of the police at the time and people have to keep this in mind when pointing fingers at the club.

The PSNI and the KKK.

Fuck off.

It was a new untrusted organisation.

But that ruins all of your arguments right there.

Silence is some of their biggest crimes here. Staying quite is my biggest objection at this point, notwithstanding all the other obvious shit they facilitated.

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And Brolly is being totally disingenuous without providing the context of Seán Brown in Bellaghy, Gerry Devlin in Glengormley, general RUC collusion with loyalist death squads, the murder of Rosemary Nelson and all the other things that were going at the time of the Patten Report, the disbanding of the RUC and the formation of the PSNI. GAA members literally being abducted and killed and/or shot dead as they were leaving club premises by RUC agents who were doubling up as loyalist assassins.

I don’t think any GAA club was issuing statements welcoming the PSNI back around 2002 and it’s entirely understandable that nationalist communities were very wary of them. For Brolly to write that the community set Peadar Heffron up for assassination against that backdrop is disputed by the club and club members and it’s extremely crass in my view as he has provided no evidence to support his claims.

The barstool blueshirts amd church pew sitting DUP members on here are disgusting in their rush to vilify an entire GAA club and community.

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Do you think he needs to write a book on each paragraph of his article to satisfy apologists like you?

Ye are pathetic.

Clubs silence deserves vilifying

Your ignorance is astounding.

The GGA had adverts in their all-Ireland final programmes for PSNI recruitment. So that blows your pathetic line of argument out of the water.

I’d believe an Irishman like Kev’s opinion on these matters rather than some Italian crackpot who lives in Galway.

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To what exactly.

If i am ignorant i want to learn.

Have you something to add?

You are not a disgrace but you are misguided.

You have to laugh at the 2 sides to every story lark.

Tell us the other fucking side.

The lads here are just repeating nonsense they heard on another forum. Its hilarious.

Brolly is no fool. He would have had other somicitors look at this. He would have had the Independant checking things he says.

Yes, because the Sindo would never publish any unsupported claim that would paint northern nationalists in a terrible light. What planet are you living on ffs sake?

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About what?

Lets hear the other side of the story.

I am always open to adjusting my view based on new evidence.

I fully expect we will never get a shread more.


That’s probably the most stupid thing ive ever read on this forum and just highlights the total ignorance being portrayed here.

Wgat ignorance?

You are just cloak and daggering behind a word.

Typical rastoolers