The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You have made no substantive input to this debate.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with you.

It is clear you are unable to debate anything. All you have done is make some mad observations that you have not qualified when pressed on them.

Do you reckon that the local Orange lodge would have got in so handy?


The pipe and drums would have given them away a mile up the road, mate.

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+1. Anybody offering an explanation as to why a GAA club in 2002 would have been very wary about the formation of the PSNI and its bona fides, and who has defended the club from unfounded allegations, has been met with Gregory Campbell style bullshit bingo. It’s plainly absurd but…balaclavas!

The development of society in the north both in the immediate aftermath of the conflict and in the two decades since is a fascinating but complex topic. How communities, political parties, security forces and other organisations have been interacting and integrating is a very important and interesting aspect of our recent history.

Brolly’s original article didn’t materially cover any of this context when he accused Peadar Heffron’s community of setting him up for assassination without providing any proof. And nor did the Sunday Independent, as far as I’m aware, offer a right of reply before going to print.

It’s well established that dissident groups were targeting Catholic PSNI recruits. A GAA member expressing strong misgivings about his clubmate’s intention to join the PSNI back when it was formed does not make him a dissident republican. It also doesn’t mean the GAA club tacitly supported the attack. These dissident groups garnered no widespread support in nationalist areas. People had voted overwhelmingly for the GFA but still needed to be convinced that the PSNI wasn’t simply the RUC rebranded.

The club and club members have since refuted Brolly’s allegations in the strongest terms but some posters seemingly feel there is a burden on them to disprove unsubstantiated claims when things work the other way around in forward thinking societies.

I think this is completely illogical myself and welcome Brolly rowing back on his initial crass claims. That said, his second article yesterday reflected terribly on him and was a transparent attempt to excuse himself for being completely out of order in the first place.


How’s that a backtrack. Of course it’s a legitimate view to hold. Ostracising someone because you disagree with them is a different story though.


You’re taking this all too seriously mate. Take a chill pill

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You’re not taking this seriously enough.

And if catholics hadn’t found the decency after what went on, taken the psni as a small forward step, and joined and moulded it, the six counties would be a lot worse for it.
The fact that you can see the second article as a backtrack just shows how perceptions can bend reality. I would say that far from being a backtrack, it is an endorsement of the first, in response to feedback. But we will agree to disagree, and move on. Like the north for now.


There’s been an awful lot of TFK heads tweeting Joe since yesterday, credit to the man, he’s handled them all with aplomb.

how would one know If they were from TFK?

WHAT ???

:laughing: :laughing:

A seasoned INTERNETTER knows.

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They should invite him over.
I suspect he’d cut a swathe. It’d be interesting viewing all the same.

At least 10 stalwarts have reached out to Joe.

That’s what happened in the north when a Catholic joined the RUC. They would generally be ostracised by their community. At the point Heffron announced he was joining the PSNI, the RUC had been disbanded two months and was considered by a significant amount of the CNR community, likely a hefty majority, either to be merely the RUC rebranded, or to have a great deal to do to win the trust of CNR community.

Five of the six Northern counties voted against Rule 21’s abolition.

The detail of what exactly this “ostracisation” entailed is disputed from within the club, and it’s clear that opinion, like it would have been in any club in the six counties, was very mixed.

Joe is a great man. He can side with you one minute, and irk you to the end of your tether the next. He’ll make a great President of Ireland.

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I was polite and he was polite by return. One can ask no more

A complete active service unit? Wow.