The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

People roll up to clubs all the time – Last year with Ballybacon we had lads coming out of the woodwork for soup and sambos after training and we didnt know who half of them were. We cut out the soup and sambos this year and these lads havent been seen until the county final Saturday gone.


Who’s going to stop that unless you have members actively looking out for this. Do you have a guy who approaches every car that enters a club ground and checks who they are?

You’re living in cloud cuckoo land. It happened once, there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to suggest the club gave the go ahead to guys to enter their ground and distribute leaflets. I’m sure the reaction of the players was who are these guys, what’s this? I’m sure it was over in a flash and the these lads didn’t hang around for a Q and A.

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Ye were playing against a client of mine 2 weeks ago so.

People can walk into clubs without anybody challenging them.

People can even walk into Croke Park for All-Ireland finals without a ticket, without anybody challenging them.

I realise you are naive. But stop the ridiculousness.

People would know who was comong in.

And i have little doubt yb members were in on it and most likely players tok.

And ecen then, if they were not, WHY DID THEY CONTINUE WITH IGNORING HIM?

Not where i’m from

Sure. Again, you confuse GAA clubs with nightclubs.

Easy mistake to make, like.

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I’m being naive?

You’re being naive to think community sports clubs have strict security checks in allowing people to enter premises. I played football for years, played at an array of different grounds where I would not have been known and I have never once been questioned on who I was or what I was doing there.

You are talking utter bollocks as per.

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Joe now appears to be withdrawing one of the central planks of his article.

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No he is not

He has vilified the club for not supporting him.

You seem to want to convince yourself that these guys ghosted in and nobody even knew them.

Anyway. Small details.

They entirely let down a member of their club.

The Gaa followed suit

Yes. And that can be seperated from disagreeing privately with a friend on an action they are taking

I’m saying its very easy to walk into a community sports club unchallenged. I’ve never been challenged before despite being unknown at the grounds I’ve played at. It’s a common practice, there would be a genuine assumption you’re there for a purpose.

One of the central planks of the article is that Peadar Heffron’s club and community didn’t support him when he decided to join the PSNI, and that they “abandoned one of their own”.

Joe is now admitting that it was an “entirely legitimate opinion” for people from the CNR community to not support another member of that community who decided to join the PSNI in the early months of 2002.

Now, why do you think that opinion, as Joe now admits, would have been an entirely legitimate one?

Do you now agree it would have been an entirely legitimate opinion?

I know it’s difficult for you to keep up given that you’re so clearly out of your depth in this discussion, but at least try.

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You are exposing a lack of intelligence again.

No point in discussing any further

“Further” implies that you had already been discussing something. You haven’t even started “discussing” yet.

You’ve waded into something you know absolutely nothing about, and it shows. Your posts here are laughable in their lack of knowledge.

Wading into something you know absolutely nothing about and expecting to be taken seriously betrays a serious lack of intelligence, alright.

Not really, people in his community would have viewed his choice as treacherous, he lost friends over it, it wasn’t just a differing of opinions for them - it was a lot more. You clearly know very little about the atmosphere up North at that time, particularly around the RUC/PSNI. It was nothing as trivial as a private disagreement, it went way beyond that.

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Ya cos thats what i was saying.

Sad cunts the 2 of ye.

Unable to debate anything