The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread


Would you stopā€¦ weā€™re on about people not being happy with him joining the psni at that time and place. If you canā€™t understand why the nationalist community would have disdain for someone that joined the police in NI in 2001/2 youre clueless and have no idea or understanding of the North.

Iā€™m struggling to put together how a club can be responsible for the personal choices of their members. Personal choices that were perfectly understandable in terms of attitude and perception of the PSNI at that time.

Youā€™re not really offering anything to the debate here, you need to explain yourself.


Did you discuss your issues with David Matthews or did you just decide to slander him on the internet?

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Here is a defenition of slander fella

the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a personā€™s reputation.
ā€œhe is suing the TV company for slanderā€
make false and damaging statements about (someone).
ā€œthey were accused of slandering the head of stateā€

And where is your evidence of saying David Matthews was incompetent and causing injuries by his training methods?

Were you a man and did you discuss this with David Matthews before slandering him on the internet?

They are not. They are responsible for him when he is in the clubthey treated him disgracefully. They isolated him.
They let their club member exposed due to tgeir inability to see a bigger picture. They failed in their duty to their entire community.

Nobody there had the balls or the vision to sit back and think it out.

I was told by players what they were doing, or not.

I saw the training.

Why would i need to discuss it?

You are deflecting now becaise i have you feeling uncomfortable about this herron case.

For a fella that was on here last week shouting about @Nembo_Kid not having a clue about Cork and Cork culture because he lived in the north ā€¦ thatā€™s some double standards.

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No its not.
There is usually someone to blame really.

There is only 1 person in a wheelchair.

I would expect more out of you.

You are letting some old Nationalistic views cloud you here

What has that got to do with anything?

This is about right and wrong.

I can acknoledge the weaknesses in my culture, county and country. All ye apes are blinded by ridiculous flag waving and rebel songs.

You canā€™t separate the violent act of the RIRA from disdain that he may have suffered from members of the club and community ā€” they are not one and the same ā€“ Brolly himself said that it was a totally legitimate to feel that way about someone joining the police at that time ā€” No one here is advocating what was done to him.

They didnā€™t fail in their duty to the entire community, Heffron would have had a large amount of resentment to him across his own community as the PSNI were seen at that point in time as anti-Catholic, had been involved in hundreds of murders of nationalists, were subverting justice for their families and resistant to changes sought to evolve the force - that is reality. And the reality is his own community would have severe misgivings about that, members in his own community were not force fed anything by their club - they made up their own minds and they had just reason to strongly reject Heffronā€™s decision.

The club are just a proxy here, he wasnā€™t bombed because he played GAA, he was bombed because he was a nationalist who was seen to have joined an organisation which was seen as intrinsically anti Catholic and involved in a litany of murders and brutality against nationalists. They had given the republican community no faith to believe they had changed.


Blame the bombers so.

Some very defensive fellas here today.

Rattled to within an inch of their lives by some home truths and an alternative view.

Whats funny is the majority of people out there in the real world would be even stronger in their blame of club

Iā€™ve never waved a flag in my life and I only know one rebel song ā€” lashing out with childish stereotype comments is really doing a lot for you.

Maybe if you actually debated the topic other than some baseless throwaway comments some people might take you seriously. Itā€™s all thatā€™s in your arsenal though.


@caoimhaoin out of his depth here and showing a complete lack of knowledge of life in BOI

based on his postings i would say if he lived in BOI he would have been a castle catholic


The only one rattled here is you, kid. Lashing up bizarre book covers and name calling when your view is questionedā€¦ Iā€™m not speaking for anyone else here but just trying to bring balance to the equation - something youā€™re not interested in.

The simple fact is that it was ok and very understandable for members of the community and club to take an unsupportive stance towards his decision ā€¦ that doesnt mean they wanted to bomb him - Brolly more or less said the club did it, which is outrageous.

The treatment afterwards, if true, does not look good for the club and they should have supported him more then for sure ā€¦ but life in the north and attitudes were very different then ā€¦ Iā€™m not excusing them, iā€™m just not holding them to 2017 standards. Bad things happened on every side - that doesnt make it ok in the slightest, but I wasnā€™t there and I didnt suffer like lots of those people did.

My point is clear.

I have said my piece.

Carry on.

Do you not get their influence on the by not supporting him?

Do you believe every man there had a problem with it.

Cop on.

You are juzt showing a complete misunderstanding of human intelligence and nature here