The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Are you for real or on a wind up ?

Youā€™re ignorance is off the charts if you are being genuine ā€¦ the man who wrote both articles said himself that it was totally understandable to not support his choice to join the police at that time ā€” I donā€™t know how you canā€™t grasp that point ā€¦ do you have any understanding of what the police in the north did to the nationalist community from the advent of the state??? clearly you havenā€™t a notion and you should really read up more on the subjectā€¦ even so, holding such an opinion doesnt mean they wanted to kill the manā€¦ I already said the club could and should have done more afterwardsā€¦ but saying they more or less bombed him is crazy talk.

A Ned Broy type?

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Iā€™m not talking about the obscenity of the bomb. That is clearly and unequivocally the fault of those who planted it or facilitated the planting of it. I hope they suffer without peace, but the kind of unhinged mouth breather who would do such a thing is unlikely to feel remorse about anything.
I was referring to the breakdown in relationship between heffron, his club, and the wider GAA community. I find it depressing that other teams went as far as to ask for challenge matches with the intent of filling him in, just because he joined the psni in his infancy. I find it depressing that the club, even after he was blown half apart, could not bring itself to do anything, not even to officially sympathise, suggesting that the club management felt he had it coming, but stand against that the level of forgiveness shown in the north, the forgiveness by the directly and indirectly wounded and scarred, physically and emotionally, the forgiveness on both sides that swallowed the prisoner release as part of the GFA, and really, the unsavory incidents, though awful individually, were remarkably rare. I think sinn fein were far more progressive than their unionist counterpoint in all of this, but that may be irish Catholic bias on my part as I despise the orange brigade and the associated knuckle draggers so aptly demonstrated in trainspotting 2.
I do hope that the club can find it within itself to do something official for heffron. It would be a fine statement. Blaming an entire club is unfair though, whatever a disparate element within it may or may not have done.
As regards brollys articles, they are nothing if not brave. They state heffrons opinion as fact, but it may be that heffron has clear knowledge of what happened.
The second article, far from being a rowback, is even more forceful than the first, not only affirming the main accusations, but further pointing the finger at the entire society.
And heā€™s bang on about the dup, who could be a vicious, cunning and dangerous enemy. Brolly is certainly no coward. I never met an inter county footballer who was though.


I think this is contended and itā€™s stated that members of Heffronā€™s family were and still are involved on the club committee by all accounts.

Iā€™m holding them to human standards

A pity you wouldnā€™t hold yourself to those same standards.

And how are human standards during any time of conflict? For all your talk, youā€™re not very worldly at all, mate.

Good post. I get you.

I do hold a club and chairman and board partially responsible. Good leadership is often tough

The best still rise thru it.

Read the book.

Grow a bit more

And some times even the best get caught up in it ā€” What youā€™re really saying is that youre holding them to Kevā€™s standards in Cork in 2017.

Iā€™ve done plenty of growing and awareness and even counselling, mate ā€¦ Iā€™m very aware of my own faults and strengths.

Were you ever man enough to discuss matters with David Matthews or did you just decide to slander him with baseless allegations of incompetence and negligence?

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I saw it.
I read the programs
I spoke to players who were there.
Soing what were essentially gassers 9 days before playing Tipp in all Ireland Semi Final. Thats somebody who does nnot understand exercise physiology.

Iā€™m man enough not to pretend i am something i am not.

An i believe he knows how me and others feel. If he feels the need to defend it, call me up. Iā€™m not the one that needs to defend anything. Iā€™m not the one with the injury list.

Have you ever done councilling with horses?

No, I donā€™t have Aspergers.

No iā€™m not.

Human standards.

Hardly ever changes no matter what the year.

They lost sight of what a club should mean.

Now thats small.minded.

Jest ā€“

But I have heard itā€™s great for children with Autism.

So you say. We all know that your word counts for very little, you slandered David Matthews on here and you presented nothing to support those accusations. Telling us you have a rationale to post what you did is one thing but you have nothing to support that rationale, yet you came on here and labelled a professional as incompetent and negligent and you had nothing to support that claim.

Why werenā€™t you man enough to discuss this with David Matthew before slandering him with baseless allegations?

How you feel led you to slander a professional peerā€™s standing on baseless allegations? I donā€™t think David Matthews needs to defend it, you havenā€™t provided anything whatsoever to support those allegations - it is slander and Iā€™m sure if he was aware of it he wouldnā€™t be taking kindly to those accusations.

I think thats certainly where it first came to light. And animals are being used in apl sorts of ways now with kids. I saw it up close with an assist dog. Between that and joining a disabled sports club her life changed in 12 months in an unbelievable way.

I went for a Equine Learning Session yesterday. Very impressed. 90 mins of mind games with 2 horsesšŸ˜‚

But it was enlightening. Still depends on a good councillor and their knowledge and experience with Horses and councilling.

Iā€™ll go back.

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