The Joe effing Rogan thread

What Joe talks about around the pyramids is very interesting tbf.

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What’s corrupt about Rogan?

Deliberately flooding public discourse with bullshit because you know it will make you $$$$$$$$$ from an audience of cretins is about as corrupt as it gets.

What’s not corrupt about that?

Rogan is a predator. A predator on idiots. And there are a lot of them here he’s predating on, by the looks of things.

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A millliin dollars?

What a dunce

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Earlier this week, an open letter signed by 270 doctors and health professionals called on Spotify to establish clear rules on their platform regarding misinformation due to Joe Rogan’s lies and baseless conspiracy theories about COVID-19. With the spotlight on Rogan’s anti-science rhetoric, an article in Futurism magazine furnished an audio clip in which Joe Rogan was caught yelling at a female scientist. You might presume that this occurred last week on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, and he was belittling a scientist about vaccines. You would be wrong because I am the scientist and the year was 2006. I have known about the sexist and anti-science tendencies of Rogan for a long time.

In my experience with Rogan, he acted much like the common chimpanzees to which he was referring. At the time, he was the host of “Fear Factor” and appeared as a guest on the “Opie and Anthony” radio show. While listening to the show, I heard him spout out a number of completely false statements about giant hybrid gorilla-chimpanzees who killed lions, always walked upright, and lived terrestrially. These apes, apparently a popular source of myth, are known as Bili Apes or Bondo Apes. Having dabbled in cryptozoology, I was familiar with these stories and also knew that they are entirely fictional. As an educator, I felt compelled to call in to the show and present my perspective. I got one sentence out before I was screamed at, cursed at, demeaned, and reduced to a “vagina.”

Whereas most of Rogan’s rhetoric, in this case, can only be described as blustering-idiot-thinks-that-he-is an-animal-expert, he did get one fact right: Our DNA is approximately 99% identical to that of chimpanzees. Rogan demonstrates our common ancestry in his treatment of me in this radio segment. The common ancestor that we shared with chimps was probably aggressive, hierarchical, and male-dominated. I dared to point out Rogan’s inability to critically analyze information that he found on the internet, and his only recourse was to aggressively attack me. He would not even let me speak. It is clear that I struck a nerve being a woman — and an educated one, in particular, who challenged him. One can hear how agitated he became when I laughed at his response to me. He found it necessary to further exert his male dominance. In wild Ugandan chimpanzees, it was found that aggressive screams were made mainly by low-ranking males, females, and juveniles (Slocombe and Zuberbuhler, 2005). No wonder Rogan is so fascinated by these animals. He is still talking about these chimpanzees! I found a clip from his show in 2019 in which he relays the same myths. What is interesting about this clip is that he has a calm interaction with the male guest about the topic. Of course, the male does not challenge his assertions.

Rogan was completely unnerved or unimpressed with my credentials. What my 25 years of schooling (too much? well, you decide) culminating in a Ph.D. have taught me is that sources of information are important. Media literacy is sorely lacking among the greater population. One can find an untold number of popular websites regurgitating the information that Rogan passed off as fact. Published (i.e., scientifically valid) work on these apes has demonstrated that they are “behaviorally and morphologically typical chimps” (Hicks 10:2010). One actual fact that is interesting about these chimpanzees is that they sometimes eat estivating fish. Peer-reviewed, published studies from trained experts must be the source of our knowledge.

Rogan is, of course, only an example of a wider problem. I do not know if we can pinpoint the year that the American public grew more anti-scientific but the timing must correlate with the rise of an open, expansive, and available internet. In The Seventh Sense by Joshua Cooper Ramo, he details the new age of networks that we have entered. Old hierarchies have been dissolved. Who needs scientists and doctors telling us what to think and how to treat maladies? The knowledge is freely available! Anyone, such as Joe Rogan, can be an animal “expert” now. Sadly, this state of affairs has brought us to the age of misinformation, “fake news,” and incivility, as there is no respect for those who have spent their lives becoming educated.

I try to do my part to equip this generation with the tools to be discerning in what they accept as truth versus fiction. In all of the courses that I teach, I emphasize critical thinking and research skills. We are bombarded with so much information now that it seems we have to process it with supersonic speed. As an evolutionary anthropologist, I wonder how our brains will adapt to the ever-increasing speed of our world. Will all adapt, or will we have a new ignorant caste, easily led by fake news? The amount of disinformation out there will continue to increase and as a society, we will be faced with difficult choices. Do we keep the information open and accessible or do we need more gatekeeping, as Ramos discusses?

Perpetuating myths about chimpanzees is one thing, but during the pandemic, the anti-science rhetoric and misinformation is literally killing people. I keep hoping that we will have our Sputnik moment as a society, but if a pandemic is not a wake-up call, I don’t know what will be. In the end, will the chimpanzees look like the more intelligent beings?

At the same time mate you could argue the mainstream media were and have been flooding public discourse with bullshit too. I think the way the covid pandemic was handled has given so called grifters a lot of credibilty which isnt good either. I agree with you there.

Mandating vaccines that really weren’t fit for purpose in terms of transmission or providing immunity was absolute madness. I hope we never go back to that again.


What…like “safe and effective” ?

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What a load of bollocks. Mindless, vacuous sloganeering, with no remote effort to understand reality.

The posters that worship Rogan here are self selecting in their cretinousness.

No surprise to see the cretin that vilified Nicola Gallagher front and centre.


only Joe could pull this off! Can’t wait!


This was a tremenjus episode. One for the intellectually curious…it probably wouldn’t suit the lads who don’t want to learn anything about anything


There are maggots more intellectually curious than you.

Be great to see one of the Kennedys back in policics


America needs Camelot


No one is forced to listen to him. He’s an MMA commentator, comedian and former kick-boxer and never claims to be an expert on anything else.

I’ve listened to most of the Robert Kennedy episode and would agree that he seems to be a total quack, though I think he’s right about how the pharma companies operate

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His show is designed to advance a neo-fascist, anti-science, pro-quack agenda. He operates under the sham cloak “I’m just putting stuff out there”.

Rogan’s show is the crack cocaine of pro-Russia, pro-fascist, anti-science, anti-reason bullshit.

Youse lads know full well I’m right on this. The truth is there is a significant amount of posters here on this forum who support the loony agenda Rogan peddles because they are angry middle aged men who want to see the world burn.

Out of curiosity @Cheasty how many full episodes of said podcast have you listened to?

Ok that’s beyond nonsense so I’ll leave it there

Sounds like you’re refusing to debate. :grinning:

You need to listen to full six hour episodes of a fascist gobshite spreading fascist, anti-science nonsense to know what Rogan’s agenda is?

Rogan’s pro-fascist, anti-science agenda is there as clear as day for all to see.

If you refuse to see it, the only presumption that can be offered about you is that you support it.

You’re misinformed on this topic. Massively so