The Joe effing Rogan thread

Just looking for an exact number. The three paragraphs are unnecessary.


I’m not misinformed because I don’t take my views from Rogan. If you take your views from Rogan, you will be misinformed, because Rogan’s podcast sets out to disinform - to lie.

Robert Kennedy Junior is a dangerous lunatic. He systematically lies about vaccines. He denies the link between HIV and AIDS. He is pro-Israel and and pro-Russia. He is not pro-environment. He is a stooge for Putin and the far right in America. His only selling point is his name and if he didn’t have the name he has he’d be a nobody.

That’s not a serious response. It’s the response of a gobshite.

Tell me why Joe Rogan’s disinformation is not dangerous.

Tell me why Joe Rogan deserves to be taken seriously as an opinion former.

Tell me why a respected doctor with an actual track record of trying to do good for people and good for the world should “debate” with an anti-science con man who has no interest in the truth?

Are you the type of person that thinks Gemma O’Doherty should be platformed on Prime Time?

Just looking for a number. If it’s zero, just say zero.

If he’s not your cup of tea, that’s cool.

Seems this is your cup of tea.

Rogan knew exactly what he was doing here and who he was dog whistling to.


He can’t admit he’s never listened to an episode. Just the standard foaming at the mouth ravings. Well played mate.

This is about the sum of it. Rogan - just like Musk, Kennedy, Peterson, Brand, Carlson, Gabbard and Trump - is an absolute fucking pox on society.

He’s cut from the exact same cloth as Rupert Murdoch’s lowest common denominator lie factory which set out to and has tragically largely succeeded in creating a class of hyper-stupid, hyper-angry shrieking cretins.

The ones who follow Rogan here are members of that class.

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I asked you a very simple question and just look at those replies.


I couldn’t be arsed going back and documenting all the various things you’re indirectly attributing to me just by asking you one very simple question.

It’s a very good example of why even attempting to engage with a topic on this forum just isn’t worthwhile. You find yourself knee deep in the sad repetitive polarised point scoring diarrhea that dozens of decent middle of the road posters on this forum have absolutely no interest in wasting their time on.

Best of luck kid.


My replies to you ones you cannot deal with and refuse to deal with.

You are not debating anything here, you are acting like a child.

Rogan has a long record of disinformation and it’s all there in public.

Point scoring diarrhoea to promote racism, facism and anti-science is his modus operandi.

Nobody needs to or should waste their time listening to it.

It’s garbage.

You clearly choose to believe it’s not garbage, and we can rightly assume what that says about your worldview.


His voice/projection issue was new to me. That’s a killer for him in election terms, surely? Much like Peterson (who’s a bit of an idiot, but has made some prescient points sounds like a spurned Kermit The Frog).

Seems like a decent human being though.

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You think a decent human being spreads anti-science disinformation about vaccines?

You think a decent human being denies the link between HIV and AIDS?

These are positions which if accepted in the mainstream stand to cost millions of lives.

These are not the positions of a decent human being, they’re positions which should make a person a pariah.

Kennedy is a very dangerous nutcase.

Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made “deeply offensive” comments when he suggested things are worse for people today than they were for Anne Frank, the teenager who died in a Nazi concentration camp after hiding with her family in a secret annex in an Amsterdam house for two years, the Anti-Defamation League and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum said Monday.

“Making reckless comparisons to the Holocaust, the murder of six million Jews, for a political agenda is outrageous and deeply offensive. Those who carelessly invoke Anne Frank, the star badge, and the Nuremberg Trials exploit history and the consequences of hate,” the museum said Monday in a statement posted to Twitter.

During a Sunday rally in Washington organized by his anti-vaccine nonprofit group Children’s Health Defense, Kennedy complained that people’s rights were being violated by public health measures that had been taken to reduce the number of people sickened and killed by Covid-19. He said the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, was orchestrating “fascism.”

“Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,” said Kennedy, a nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of his slain brother, former U.S. attorney general, civil rights activist and Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy.

Everything is Man Utd/Liverpool with you, chief.

That’s not how it works.

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Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, as a wise man who got thumped in the head once said.

If lads got in the gym and listened to a bit of interesting conversation they’d go a long way.

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Wouldn’t be my type of character but if we’re relying on TV media then we’re all goosed.

Truth/arguement is a niche now, and like everything else there’s huge money in it.

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You are the person shouting at people on this forum with entirely uncontroversial, mainstream views, that they have a “woke mind virus”. It is clear which of us understands the world through a “Manchester United/Liverpool” frame of reference, and it isn’t me.

I call out people for bullshit, and you are a king of bullshit, one of a significant number of kings of bullshit on this forum.

If you could address where you stand on science and whether you place any store in science, that would be great, thanks.

Do you believe there is a link between HIV and AIDS?

Do you believe there is a link between vaccines and autism, the same bullshit claim Andrew Wakefield was struck off for, which Kennedy pushes?

Do you think Kennedy’s comparison of public health measures and the vaccine roll out in a pandemic which is estimated to have claimed up to 30 million lives (including my father’s) to the Holocaust, is a well made one?

Do you believe that spreading scientifically illiterate bullshit makes a “decent human being”?

Why is it relevant how many of Rogan’s podcasts he has listened to in full?

He thinks it’s some sort of “gotcha”.

It’s the same logic as “how many of Hitler’s speeches did you listen to in full?”