The Joe effing Rogan thread

Generally that seems to be the way it works with youse lot alright.

RFK Jn is a thoroughly alright sort. Has devoted his life to environmental and health causes, especially the obesity crisis among US children. No surprise the pharma shills and food shills hate him.


He’s an expert, just the wrong type of expert for the covid fanatics

Kennedy is supported by the world’s biggest shills for corporate harm. His disgraceful positions on vaccines and his denial of the link between HIV and AIDS stand to cost millions of lives.

So of course you like him, because, like a typical right-wing American nutcase, you want to see the world burn.

Naomi Klein is well on to him.

Myth #1: He would be a climate champion.

Because RFK Jr is so eloquent about pollution, many assume he would support policies that would tame the raging climate crisis. While that may have been true in the past, the facts have radically changed. In recent interviews, he claims climate science is too complex and abstract to explain and that, “I can’t independently verify that.” He also says that the climate crisis is being used to push through “totalitarian controls on society” orchestrated “by the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, and all of these megabillionaires” – a green-tinged reboot of the same, all-too familiar conspiracy theories he rode to pandemic stardom, when he opposed virtually every Covid public health measure, from masks to vaccines to closures. Now he is marshaling the same arguments against climate action.

He told Breaking Points: “In my campaign I’m not going to be talking a lot about climate. Why is that? Because climate has become a crisis like Covid that the Davos groups and other totalitarian elements in our society have used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls.”

This about-face has earned him friends among the most prominent and dangerous climate-change deniers, including the Republican-aide-turned-disinformation-dealer Marc Morano, who says Kennedy is “undergoing a genuine transformation over his views on the climate agenda.” In podcast interviews, especially with rightwing hosts, RFK Jr now says he would leave energy policy to the market and describes himself as “a radical free marketeer.” It should go without saying that the markets are incapable of decarbonizing our economies in anything like the narrow slice of time left.

Yeah real normal stuff here. Not like Rogan’s anti-vaccine fanbois are cult are a cult of extremely dangerous headbangers or anything.

Sure I mean what could be wrong with incitement to murder.

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Is he going to drink donkey semen on camera? :joy:

Can’t embed this

I’d be worried for his safety. He’s asking too many hard questions that the powers that he won’t like.

Interesting comment:

The Joe Rogan fans DEMAND that Mary from Duleek, who has never watched a hurling game in her life, be included in the Sunday Game’s All-Ireland final studio panel.

They can’t silence him and its driving them nuts. He does need to be careful

Sure what would the likes Robert Malone or Peter McCullough know? They are only expert’s.

You’re not an expert when you decide to disregard actual science and spin quack anti-science narratives for $$$$$$$$$$, you’re a corrupt fraud.

Robert Malone and Peter McCullough are corrupt frauds who are a major part of a lucrative disinformation industry.

I bet this’ll be a belter

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The mycelium one a while back was fascinating.


Who even knew that mushrooms were neo fascists

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After a few months of utter shite, Joe is after churning out a few bangers lately. Oliver Anthony, Terence Crawford, Brian Keating, Pete Berg and Bill Maher all in the last fortnight.


You’re not doing anything to improve Joe Rogan’s reputation there.