The Joe effing Rogan thread

I think he’s an insufferable prick

Insufferable prick is the least of it.

In fairness I don’t really engage.

I came across an interview with Zuckerberg.

Very scary stuff.

As big a prick as Bill Gates who continued a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein for a decade after Epstein was convicted in Florida for child prostitution?

What has Joe Rogan done in comparison to supporting the biggest sex trafficker the world has known?


I think bill gates is annoying twat

Gates is a fucking psychopath. Genuinely evil.


More than an annoying twat, a close associate of the evil monster Jeffrey Epstein. Whatever excuse he may have had prior to 2008 when Epstein was convicted, no excuse after that.

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What evidence is there Gates was involved in any crime?

I’m not here to defend Gates over his meetings with Epstein but as far as I can make out there’s zero evidence tying him to Epstein’s crimes and it seems clear Epstein was blackmailing Gates over a perfectly legal extra-marital affair Gates was having with a Russian woman, which is not a surprise as Epstein was almost certainly a spy for Israel and possibly other countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia accumulating kompromat on prominent people for many years.

Why did Donald Trump appoint the guy who gave Epstein a shockingly lenient plea bargain to a prominent cabinet position? Funny you didn’t mention that. Funny you also don’t mention that Trump had charges filed against him for paedophilia in a California court. I’m not sold on the veracity of those charges but they’re a damn sight more than I can find against Gates.

Why has seemingly the whole of the right wing conspiracy world and the whole of the pro-Russia bullshit machine come out to bat for Russell Brand? You seem curiously keen to avoid this question.

What scared you the most?

They were sort of talking about creating a virtual world when you could have relations with real people in it.

He took ivermectin rather than Pfizers mrna shots. A sensible decision from a good guy in my opinion.


Does he have river blindness?

He’s grand… didn’t subject himself to experiments and won’t die wondering

I’ve given that a like. FFS :smiley:

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Invermectin :joy:

I won’t take this vaccine, but this cow dewormer. Oh ya. I trust that.


Each to their own mate. Its a long established drug in fairness. Its around since the 70’s and its useful in combating a number of ailments. If it worked for people, thats a good thing.

I relied on my own immune system (hopefully thats not far right) in order to combat covid. That worked out well too.


…but rachel maddow said it was a horse dewormer? Does this mean he’s NOT well-informed???

Its a good thing to be on the vindicted side of that debacle. Covid passports etc were absolutely abhorrent and made zero sense.


The worst that can happen if you take too much Ivermectin is you get the shits.

But there are those that believe young men should take a vaccine that can damage your heart, to protect against a virus that presents zero threat to their health. Horse it into children as well because Pfizer say so.


I was talking to an old classmate yesterday- just after a week in bed with covid, the poor dellow said he was too far out from his last booster…there was a palpable sense of sadness in his demeanour.
U said nothing, i even nodded in agreement - there was nothing else i could do for him.