The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

As you say yourself, stop projecting. There’s only one poster on this site that has admitted to being a sexual predator and we all know who that is.

Sexual predators tend to re-offend. Have you turned yourself into the guards yet?

The best thing about this was conservatives claiming Kavanugh had an evil doppel-ganger who was doing all the raping.

It’s all setting up nicely for an all out sexual assault allegation war between now and the mid term elections. I don’t know how it took so long for a proper penis war to break out, the former skirmishes were pretty tame. Poor old Clarence Thomas was merely accused of noticing a public hair on his coke can, the 90s were so tame.

The gloves are off now though, full scale Porn war. You have to admire the creativity of the latest victim though, “I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I got married”. It’s like something you’d read on TFK.


Traceable back to Democrat’s backing Clinton after Lewinsky affair


I’d actually believe him on this though. Women tend not to be attracted to attempted rapists and men who thrust a penis in their face uninvited.

A rarity indeed to be a virgin in that pre AIDS era of promiscuity. Sounds like he is going to tough it out. Should be an interesting hearing if it goes ahead. The Ramirez story may have some holes in it, like the six days it took to “recover” her memory with the help of reporters and attorneys, and again no collaborating witnesses who were present or at least admit to being present. Farrow is a good investigative journalist but the drive to find a second accuser was very intense, did Ramirez for example remember Kavanaugh’s name or was it suggested to her? Memory recovery is highly controversial, even in therapy, as the evidence suggests true and false memories can be recovered, with no reliable distinction between them (that’s before considering alcohol effects).

It will be interesting when / if the communication chain to and from Ramirez is made public and we see how exactly her memory was recovered.

We’ve got to get that cunt of TFK, troll the shit out of him, destroy his life.

I’d say Trump would know all about false acqusitions.

And the students of “Trump University” certainly would.

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"i do not have a political agenda and i do not have a political agenda "

Kauffmann is the reporter, not the chap on question.

Do you understand the concept that Peter Kauffmann, the person whose tweet I linked to, is a different person to James Roche, the person who made the statement?

Oooft for Art

my bad. I presumed they were one and the same.

You fucking eejit.


It is far from a smoking gun still though.

Has anyone come forward from that drinking game yet?

fuck back off to your off the rack shite