US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

@Sidney is a very confused individual when it comes to legal matters.

He believes those who accept a plea bargain are completely innocent (Jussie Smollett), while also believing those who actually go to trial and are found not guilty are actually guilty (Paddy Jackson).

It’s called justice dysphoria.


Bizarre case.

The Chicago PD and Emanuel are not happy.

Give it up, mate, you’ve absolutely humiliated yourself here - you got it wrong on Trump and you got it wrong on Smollett - and in both cases proved you’re a racist, white supremacist piece of plankton. :grin:

Are both Eddie Johnson and Rahm Emanuel, who I agree with 100%, racists?

I don’t know. Then again I never claimed they were.

I know you most definitely are, however.

Sid changes his view on when due process should be followed depending on the case.

Maria Cahill case, when his Provos were under attack, how dare the word alleged isn’t used.

Justice Kavanaugh though, he was an “attempted Rapist” even before a hearing happened.

And let’s not forget his hysterical performance on the Rugby players trial last year.

What’s the problem, pal?

I believe Mairia Cahill when she says that she was raped, I believe Christine Blasey Ford when she says Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, and I believe the woman at the centre of the Belfast trial when she says she was raped.

That’s perfectly consistent.

You don’t even know what point you’re trying to make here.

Yes, you are perfectly consistent in believing any old shit as long as it matches your delusions.

Do you believe the girl you stalked to Australia was a victim?

The racist white supremacist is RATTLED to within an inch of his life :laughing::laughing::laughing:

The Jussie Smollett case is this generation’s WMD.

An absolute humiliation for the right-wing media, the racist white supremacist lynch mob and the racist white supremacist who led that lynch mob, Donald Trump.

They all bought fully into the conspiracy theory and invested huge emotional energy in believing lies and disinformation.

Every single thing that I have said about them has been proven correct!

They are FAKE NEWS!

Not sure about that.

You described Cahill as a fantasist.

You have different standards depending on the case.

On Kavanaugh you were going around calling him an Attempted Rapist before a hearing even began.

You are making great hay out of people criticising Smollet before criminal proceedures happened here, but had no problem in not taking a Juries word in a trial in Belfast. A trial you called spectacularly wrong, after cheerleading the prosecution for weeks.

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He is also a big fan of Michael Avenatti and believes all the “victims” he unearths. Says it all really.

Not really. Cahill is a bit of a fantasist and Eilis O’Hanlon was orchestrating the whole thing behind the scenes for cynical political purposes. Cahill has flitted between Sinn Fein and then hardcore Republican groups which wanted a return to violence (she was a member of one of them until as late as 2012 if I remember rightly), to Labour, to whoever.

Her online behaviour has been not far off Gemma O’Doherty-esque and she shows distinct signs of being unstable.

None of that means I disbelieve her story that she was raped. I absolutely believe her when she says she was and it’s highly likely that her unstable nature is as a result her ordeals when she was being abused.

However the fact of it is, she had a chance to have her day in court and didn’t turn up for it, yet a few months later felt able to be paraded by Enda Kenny outside the Dail on national television.

I’d love to know your reaction if the complainant at the centre of the Belfast trial was paraded around the Dail by Leo Varadkar and everybody told that she had not got justice, because there’s effectively no difference between that and what Enda Kenny did.

Juries have to convict beyond reasonable doubt. It’s perfectly reasonable to have the private opinion that somebody committed a crime even if there wasn’t enough evidence to convict them as guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

We know there wasn’t enough evidence to convict Kavanaugh in a court of law beyond reasonable doubt. That wasn’t the point. The point was that there were multiple highly credible accusations against him that he had committed sexual assault. A supreme court judge cannot have those doubts about their character and behaviour hanging over them. The Republicans did not take those highly credible accusations in any way seriously. behaved in an utterly disgraceful manner which insulted and kicked dirt in the face of every woman in the USA and they should never, ever be let forget it.

The case against Jussie Smollett collapsed almost immediately. There is quite simply no case against him, he has been exonerated and he is innocent - end of.

The absolute humiliation of those who had him judged and convicted based on nothing other than wanting to see a prominent black man go down (hello @anon7035031) is just a delicious by-product of his exoneration.

Another rush to judgement by @Sidney According to the state’s attorney “we dropped the charges in return for his agreement to do community service and forfeit his bond. We didn’t exonerate him”.

A very bad week for the site’s resident clown.




Get off the stage - you’re finished around here after your racist lynching attempt.

Re-brand mate, @Sidney is dead.

@anon7035031 went to war for his race.

He was routed. :laughing:

another horrendous week of humiliation for the lefties :rofl:


I’m actually starting to feel sorry for poor Sid.