The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Just like @anon7035031, with a slightly less gormless face and without the speech impediment.

What’s truly weird is following a girl across continents with the stated goal of eating her period. A girl that didn’t know you from Adam. That weirdness standard will never be matched on TFK, you own the sexual deviancy angle on here, no point trying to project it onto others.

You have zero credibility mate, just like the latest accuser unearthed by your fellow scumbag Avenatti.

You’re fantasising about what strange men on the internet jack off to. Go to bed mate.

You’ve spent the last four years inventing rape fantasies in your brain with me as the central character in it, mate.

Do you think that’s weird?

I’ll save you the bother of answering by answering for you.

Yes, it’s weird. Really fucking weird.

But then, people don’t come much weirder than yourself.

The collect 12 crisp packets pretend “professor” with the racist son, who stumbles drunk around deserted Irish roads searching in vain for a pub to drink his head off alone in.

Let’s just hope there were no women out walking alone on those roads.

Ah, but you are though, aren’t you? :grin:


What? You are very, very strange individual.

Brett sounds like a prick from the testimonies so far. Still doesn’t explain your bizarre commentary and excited demeanour about it all.

Fascinating that she has such an incredibly detailed account of the incident, but can’t remember when it was, where it was, how she got to the party, or how she got home. Of course all those details could be questioned and challenged, so I can understand her reluctance to remember them. It’s also fascinating that with all three last minute accusations, there’s not one contemporary witness to back up their claims. It’s also fascinating that all the women who actually knew Kavanaugh well from high school, to college, to his working career all speak highly of him. I would find those people more credible than left wing nut jobs wanting to go down in history as the ones who denied a conservative appointment to the Supreme court.

Nobody invented your rape story, you disclosed it yourself.

I see you’re setting down your imagined criteria for what is and isn’t rape.

Are you an expert on this?

Quote the “rape story” there like a good lad.

I won’t bother quoting your rape apologism. It’s all over this thread and several others like you’re all over a bottle of cheap liquor.

He sounds like a prick from the allegations of these three women. Allegations that have zero collaboration so far. If people are judged based on allegations alone we are heading down a very dark road.

In fairness, there is no accusation of rape against @Sidney, just strange misogynistic behaviour. To accuse him of being a rapist is just as bad as the tactics he uses.

Has he been accused of rape now, hadn’t heard that.

You appear to be in total meltown given you don’t know the difference between corroboration and collaboration.

Collaboration is what your ancestors got up to.

Well you are referring to a rape story no?

Who has accused @Sidney of rape? He is the only one who has used the word describing his hi jinks.

Which rape story?

My ancestors were busy driving your Anglo Saxon ancestors out of Ireland.

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What are you talking about here?

Responding to @Sidney referencing “rape fantasies”. Nobody on here, including myself, has ever accused Sid of raping anyone.