The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

It has a long way to go to reach the level of the Belfast rape trial though.

The hearing kicks off in less than 30 minutes for those that are waiting with bated breath.

Psychology obviously.

A chef with a science undergrad is a professor of psychology?

he means you

How many gang rapes did you participate in as a 15/16 year old?

Why not mate? Are you not a man of many hats yourself.

I wouldnt mind giving the states a go for a while. Will you put in a word for me with the history department?

Of course mate, PM on your resume.

This is on BBC news 24 for those who have nothing better to do for the afternoon.

She’s testifying now, pal.

Top, top predicting. :grin:

What now?

How did the press who hounded Blasey Ford before she came forward publicaly and forced her to come forward learn her identity? Given the letter was only delivered to two Democratic politicians and she asked for and was promised confidentiality.

None of them had the guts to own their misogyny in front of the world.

So a female prosecutor who has had a career of sending sex fiends to jail is not sensitive to victims of sexual assault? Why are you attacking a proven professional in the field of sex crime. Is it because she is a woman, you misogynist pig?

Since when do prosecutors prosecute victims?

Since Republicans decided it would be deeply inconvenient for them to be shown up in front of the world as misogynist pigs, that’s when.

The same misogynist pigs that you defend at every turn, because that’s exactly what you are, and what you’ve shamelessly proven yourself to be.

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Quoting fellow nutcases doesn’t help your credibility mate. It’s not a court case. Let’s see how she questions Kavanaugh before rushing to judgement.

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I didn’t quote you, I replied.

This post contains a quote from a nutcase, though.

It’s in the grey bit at the top of the post.

confirmation bias much?

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Tremendous piece of trivia.

Confirmation bias is quite literally what the Republican party have.

A heavy bias towards railroading through the confirmation of sexual predators on the Supreme Court.

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