The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail


15 minute break at the moment.

General consensus so far is that Blasey Ford is coming across as extremely credible.

The Republicans have totally fucked this one up and fallen into the trap set for them by Democrats. From the outset they realistically had two options, 1) State that they are not going to reopen the hearing due to last minute allegations and go to a vote, or 2) Convince Trump to drop Kavanaugh.

The thing I don’t understand about all this is that what has happened was entirely foreseeable.

McConnell even warned Trump to not select Kavanaugh as the nominee and the fact that the Rapeublicans had their defences ready to go as each allegation cameout proves they knew all along that there was some really bad shit lurking for them.

They could have easily got a different nominee through given their senate advantage. The whole thing has been spectacular incompetence from start to finish.

Whatever the outcome of it all, they and the whole “conservative” movement come out of it looking absolutely terrible, and utterly amoral.

The likeliest thing is that Trump chose Kavanaugh because he knows Kavanaugh is of the opinion that a sitting president can’t be indicted, and for Trump, everything is about looking after number one.

I’ve never known the great Con Murphy to be wrong about anything, ever. KOH.

she doesn’t like flying and has a fear of it, but she has been all over the world :rofl:

Christine Blasey Ford reveals that she has never been to Australia, and I’ve never been to the US, so at least that rules me out of being accused along with Kavanaugh.

she’s playing the depression/anxiety card now :joy:

@Sidney having the time of his life this morning watching the sexual assault hearing. A cracking Thursday for you to be fair.

Absolutely smashing tune, to be fair.

she’s getting ripped apart here

“Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to say that they are the ones who actually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford during a house party in 1982 & NOT Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh”

That was in 1982, mate.

This lady with the glasses is destroying her

I think David Dennison is one of them.

Let’s hear it for the brave men who are willing to admit to a crime and put their lives in jeopardy.

She’s having an awful hard time remembering what happened last month.

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Her attorneys are starting to panic.

there’s more holes in this ladies testimony than a block of Swiss cheese

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She’s a very good witness though. You would swear that she was a psychologist who has spent 30 years listening to nutcases or in therapy herself.

The case the prosecutor is building is you were led like a sheep by the Democrats.

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