The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

This lady can barely remember her name, what a shambles.

But she gave a credible* account of why memory from 36 years ago is comparable to an event just happening “I am as sure as I am talking to you”, backed up by a bit of pseudo-science babble.

  • Credible if you know nothing about how memory works.

It’s obviously possible to remember things that happened in school 35 years later. I will always remember Johnny Arse (AKA John McGuirk), a year ahead of me in school, bursting into our classroom one break and kicking the shit of my little friend karate-style because he called him Johnny Arse.

But if you asked me what happened last Saturday night, I’m not sure.

That woman is a liar.

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I’ll give the Republicans one thing - Ford’s eyes are too close together.

For full disclosure, can posters please state which way they would vote if they had a vote, right now.

I’d vote AGAINST Kavanaugh, as Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony is extremely credible, whereas Kavanaugh has the demeanour of a liar, and it’s obvious to any reasonable person that the Republicans have been desperately trying to cover up things about him throughout the whole confirmation process.

I think Blasey Ford, like Anita Hill, is a genuine hero.

I’d vote against him because he is a cunt. A republican cunt. A trumpist republican cunt.

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Thankfully you don’t get to vote. The way the process works is both get to testify and undergo questioning. But you have decided his guilt before you have heard both sides. Classic soviet style justice.

All that tells us is you are a simpleton who only believes what you want to believe and are incapable of rational thinking.

Excellent mate, it’s lovely to see an honest opinion.

I presume you class yourself as a simpleton?

Also, you might want to get that memory checked, you keep contradicting yourself and I don’t think you’re at all credible.

Please don’t comment on scientific matters. A polygraph is about as reliable as a horoscope.

You better tell that to Mr. Kavanaugh, he’s the person that is maintaining that it is foolproof.

So, by his own opinion, he’s guilty as hell.

He should have stepped aside as it is clear that Democrats are willing to go to whatever lengths are necessary to stop him. I suspect beastiality to be the next allegation or perhaps a fetish for womens’ blood.

Why are you believing what some randomer is claiming? Have you read the actual case he was referring to?

The nutcase from Hawaii is up now.

Orrin Hatch stopped just short of saying Christime Blasey Ford had a lovely bottom.

The fucking state of these Rapeublican pigs.

He must be blind as a bat.