The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Whos the fine looking blonde woman behind him?

This speech is like an alternative scene from Father Ted where Father Jack won the Golden Cleric award.

How do we even know it’s Kavanaugh at all here?

It could be his evil twin taking the stand for him.

Christine Blasey Ford had a bottle of Coke on her desk as she testified.

Brett is sniffing a hell of a lot.

Just sayin’.

Brett is not answering Senator Feinstein’s question. He just breezed past it.

She didn’t ask him whether he wanted a hearing, She asked him why he wasn’t asking for an FBI investigation.

It’s over for Brett. The dirty dems have destroyed his very being.


Mulally? Really?


I like beer.

In some ways Brett comes across as a guy that would be grand to have a pint or ten with (hat tip: E. McKenna). He’s played Gaelic football and all.

However he does appear to have a character more similar to somebody who’d run onto the pitch and punch a player at a Tyrone club championship match, than a judge.

That’s a grand thatch Brett has. I wonder would he ever put a colour in it?

Senator Durbin is relentlessly ensnaring Brett here. It’s very awkward to watch.

Lindsey Graham must look in here because he just asked Brett to his face was he a gang rapist.

Apart from that he’s coming across like the villain from American History X.

The black lad that ate the kerb?

FFS sake

I know :joy::joy:

Rachel Mitchell has been completely written out of this drama. Amazing how Republican senators suddenly discovered their courage when it was Kavanaugh they were asking the “questions” to.

Senator Graham destroys the Dems! A powerhouse of a speech.

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He sounded like he was off his head on crystal meth.

To be fair to Kavanaugh, he only sounds like he has had six shots of whiskey.