The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Well her memories seem slightly less coherent than big Kav’s so it’s a logical extension.

“This thing was sprung on me” - yet a while ago he was complaining about having to wait 10 days for a hearing.

Would be far from the first time he’s lied during this whole process.

Barf O’Kavanaugh


The steamed hams defence, the Booo-urns defence.

Well now

The CNN crew are hopping like …

Cheers, mate - I just donated €100.

A noble head of hair. The wife looks like a nice lady.

I’d say he has her heart broken

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Kavanagh is of good Oirish stock, he’s one of our own

This kavanagh fella is definitely innocent,joke to be fair.

I don’t know about ye lads but i did some amount of groping in high school

A hard working laborer as well, gardening and construction to pay his way through college.

The accuser is a bit flakey I’d say.

Thankfully you are not running for the Supreme Court.

A living embodiment of the American dream.


You’d be flakey if you were listening to nutcases all day every day for 30 years.

I had sex with girls I didn’t love or have any respect for un my first year un ucd.
I’d say a few of them hate me now, 30 year later

The process for each Republican senator goes something like this: go on an entitled rant of a party political broadcast for about three minutes, soft soap the fuck out of Kavanaugh for a minute, and then, with the five minutes almost up, ask him a “tough question”, something like “Judge Kavanaugh, your nomination process for the Supreme Court seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”

Pathetic is completely inadequate as a description.

Just part of the game.